Sandbox Affliction

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Conkerkid11, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A cause of great suffering and distress.


    Affliction is a large asymmetrical map, that features two very unique bases, and a sniper cove off to the side in the dunes. Inspired by Gridlocked in some small regards, Affliction utilizes Sandbox's geometry by geomerging each base into the dunes. Sticking the defensive base slightly away from the middle, stretching across almost 1/4 of the map's face. And the attacking base as far away from the middle as possible, gives each team the same distance to travel in order to reach the main power weapon. The weapon that intrigues every player to run towards the middle on Standoff. The spartan laser creates most of the flow of the map by itself, just by sitting in the middle of the map. Not because whoever gets it dominates, but because it brings both teams together, and starts off the first fight of the game.​

    The unique weapon selection complements the vehicular nature of the map well, creating some spectacular battles that are sure to keep players begging for more. Affliction uses every bit of Sandbox's geometry to make it the perfect asymmetrical map. From the sniper cove, to the vehicles, and weapons that are all necessities to this map. You and your party will be having one hell of a time trying to keep up with the constant thrills of Affliction that will just keep coming, and coming!​

    Sandbox had a very unique forging experience to me, so I tried to utilize every bit of space when creating Affliction. You won't find an inch of space that isn't neecessary for the map's gameplay. From the geomerged bases, to the interlocked middle structure. This map for sure, will get you and your party pumped up to the extreme!

    The creation of Affliction began one week ago on April 11th. Spending around thirty hours on the map, this map took a very long time, and like most of my maps had no planning at all behind it. The only plan I had was that the middle structure was going to be like the one from Gridlocked, and that I wanted it to be asymmetrical. From that, I am amazed at how this map turned out. Each base connects into the dunes, and although little geomerging was done, it was still very tough. The defender's base had to be the toughest thing I have ever built. It takes up almost 1/4 of the space I was limited by, and has 3 floors. The top floor was tough to make, and it has changed for the better. Being that it was made out of bumpy as hell walls before, I think you get why I changed it.​

    First off, I started with the middle section, building off of that, I created the stairs to the defender base. I then stopped when I had two floors built, and then went to go build half of the attacker base. After each base was finished, I created the sniper structures, and then fitted the game with the appropriate spawns, and objective items. Thus finishing my map. Although I am quite disappointed on how fast I completed the map, I feel that it is far more superior to Castle Crashers, and I hope people around here enjoy it as much as me!​

    The vicious war between brutes and spartans had ended, with spartans coming on top. But space became limited. The red team split up with the blue team, and they lived peaceful, splitting the land amongst each other. The time came when the blue team was fed up with recieving the worst part of the land, and they rebeled against the red team, and thus starting a war.​

    I recommend playing with 8-12 players.
    Affliction plays with all default gametypes.

    One-sided Assault is recommended. Try to keep the party size to about 8. Neutral and two-sided assault also works, but being an asymmetrical map, the defenders will always have a larger base. Affliction is set up for all types of Assault, so make your choice.
    Capture The Flag
    One-sided Capture The Flag is recommended. Try to keep the party size to about 8, like Assault. Otherwise the defenders might get overpowered. Keep the teams even of course, and if you go odd. Keep the extra guy on the attackers side. Affliction plays with both one-sided and two-sided. But being an asymmetrical map, the defenders will always have their advantages.
    The zombies spawn in the attackers base, and the humans spawn in the defenders base. Being that the defenders base is really huge, I'm sure you will get a kick out of this gametype! Whether it's Save One Bullet, or Hide And Seek. I'm sure you are your party will have a fun time!
    Affliction's Juggernaut gametype plays out like Juggernaut on any other map. Affliction being an open map, Ninjanaut doesn't play out as well as it should, but regular Juggernaut and Mad Dash are great!
    King of The Hill
    Affliction plays out best on Team King, because the map is so open, and FFA is kinda winly. So Mosh Pit, and Crazy King might not work out the way you want it to.
    The oddball is located in the middle of the map, and there is no way to get the oddball out of the map. The towers are not blocked, and they will kill you if you try and run the oddball out of the map. With FFA I would try and keep the maximum amount of people at 6 or 7, but with teams it plays with the regular 8-12.
    I recommend sticking with Team Slayer, because FFA might play out a bit odd. Keep your teammates close, work together. All that hardcore **** you do in Matchmaking.
    Affliction works with Territories, Land Grab, and Flag Rally. Playing best with Land Grab, due to it being Attackers VS Defenders. But regular Territories plays out just like Standoff.
    Although set up for rocket race, you might not spawn near a mongoose, and you might not even get the chance to get a mongoose. So I recommend you just play with normal team VIP.​

    8 Battle Rifles - 30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    You can either pick one of these up to pretend to be awesome at long range. Or you can pick one of these up and dominate the entire battle field. It all depends on how well you play the game. That's why this is competitive, not infection.
    2 Shotguns - 90 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip
    Another weapon that can dominate the map if used correctly. Stay in the tight sections of the map, and you'll be fine. Run out into the open without backup, and you'd might as well be wearing a red target on your head.
    1 Sniper Rifle - 90 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip
    One of the main power weapons on Affliction. With the supporting cover around it's spawn, there is no way in hell this guy is going to get taken down. Unless the enemy team knows how to grenade spam.
    1 Plasma Pistol - 30 Second Respawn
    Remember that there is only one of these on the entire map, and if it falls into the wrong hands your warthog turret spree could end just like that.
    1 Needler - 90 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    Although it might seem this weapon doesn't earn it's place on a map with so much supporting cover, it does the right thing. With all these long strips of straight on, uncovered area. Whoever has the needler will be having a hay-day.
    2 Brute Shots - 60 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    It can take down an enemy close up with one shot and a beat down. It can take down any vehicle in about five shots. What's bad about this weapon when it has the blast radius of a grenade? Oh yeah, did I tell you that you actually have to know how to aim to use it?
    2 Rocket Launchers - 120 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip
    With a long respawn like that, you might want to use this carefully. You have four shots to use to take down the enemy vehicles, so you can't miss a single shot or you're toast. Unless another one of your teammates gets his/her hands on the spartan laser.
    1 Spartan Laser - 150 Second Respawn
    It's like the objective point in a slayer game. The spartan laser will deliver brutal damage to the enemy, leaving them afraid to leave their own base. But beware, you aren't going to be the only one rushing towards this at the beginning of the game.
    6 Covenant Carbines - 30 Second Respawn - 2 Spare Clips
    Just like the battle rifle, these are only effective if you know how to use them. Otherwise, you're just wasting ammunition on a guy that another teammate could have taken down in five or so shots.
    1 Mauler - 45 Second Respawn - 1 Spare Clip
    Although not as tough as the shotgun, it serves as the same thing. Hide behind corners and take out the enemy with the R+B combo. Beware though, it's more obvious that you have this than the shotgun. That little gold part shines like the morning sun.
    2 Missile Pods - 180 Second Respawn - 0 Spare Clips
    Hey! Didn't the rocket launcher used to have a lock-on system much like the one on the missile pod. Well that is back then. You see, nowadays weapons are worse than they were hundreds of years ago. The UNSC decided to make the rocket launcher worse, by removing the lock-on system. Sucks for you, doesn't it? Now you have to lug this big hunk of junk around while you search for a vehicle to kill.
    8 Plasma Grenades - 10 Second Respawn
    Hey, it's a map without frag grenades on it! You won't miss 'em much. These are much more effective against the multiple vehicles Affliction will be hurtling at you.
    2 Bubble Shields - 120 Second Respawn
    Although at first glance it might just appear to be another stocking stuffer, it's not. This is as much of a weapon as the spartan laser, well maybe not as good, but you get the picture. Mark your territory, or leave your territory with this helpfull item.
    2 Power Drainers - 120 Second Respawn
    "Hey, I'm just one kill away from a Killing Frenzy!" *Power Drainer comes hurtling towards the warthog* *Plasma grenade lands on the front end of the warthog as the gunner swears.* Awww... good times. Combined with a convieniently placed plasma grenade, you could destroy that pesky camper within no time!
    1 Gravity Lift - 60 Second Respawn
    Yay, now this one's a real stocking stuffer! The only place this is going to bring you is up, and perhaps add to the chaos going on around you. Sure, it'll get you up to the top of the defending base, but what's up there!? A drop-off to the flag!? So what!?
    2 Regenerators - 120 Second Respawn
    Combine this with a shotgun and sniper rifle, and you could be the most hated player in your party. With your +20 K/D spread, and that smug little smile on your face.
    2 Choppers - 120 Second Respawn
    The ultimate defense towards a incoming warthog. *WARNING!!!* Don't accidentally run this into your teammates!
    4 Mongooses - 20 Second Respawn
    Yes, it's pronounced mongooses, not mongeese. They get you where you want to fast, but most of the time you just blow up and die.
    4 Warthogs - 120 Second Respawn
    Really!? Two at each base!? Holy smokes, we could go on two mass-suicides with those! No, but really. The warthogs are always so underused, trust me.​


    Version 1.1
    • Changed the spawn time of every mongoose from 90 seconds, to 20 seconds​
    • Fixed the spawn time on the sniper rifle​
    • Changed the placement of the attacker flag​
    • Stacked the attacker flag spawn on the attacker flag capture point​
    • Stacked the defender flag spawn on the defender flag capture point​
    • Changed the spawn time on the mauler​
    • Removed all spawn points in the middle of the map ​
    • Made minor cover changes​









    I would like to thank the Forgehub Tester Guild, and all the testers who showed up at the right time. Even though I'm not mad at all of the testers who didn't show, because some of their gold accounts expired, I'm still made at the ones who didn't show, and never show. Thanks for the help you guys! The map really needed it, after all those horrid things with the spawns began happening!​

    Thanks for reading my third amazing thread. This one only took me 3 hours! See, I'm getting better at this stuff! To bad my grammar hasn't changed a bit.​

    Once again, if you missed it up top.​

    #1 Conkerkid11, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2009
  2. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow. i like the flare of the new building ideas. really brings out a lot of originality.
    one thing i dont get: the floating things that are just kinda off to the side... is there a weapon up there or....

    maybe add some picture desctriptions but i can really tell you put a lot of time into it. it looks great, seems like it would play great. good job!
  3. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    wow this map has alot of unique and original structures, and i like the way u geomerged the boxes into the dunes. doing that is alot more annnoying and garder then on forundry.. the gameplay looks pretty decent idk though cuz havent played it but nice
  4. philly100000

    philly100000 Ancient
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    i like how you sunk the pillars into the sand dunes, and how the obelisk is fallen over and sunken in
    #4 philly100000, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009

    IxXROADKILLXxI Ancient
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    dude what in the world? Could this be the next feature? I would hope so. This map is amazing in all ways, and at the moment I'm DL. i really cant wait to see this in the game. I mean the pics sold it to me enough, but this is going in my left over space for now. Ill get back to you when I'm done. Nice presentation btw.

    Edit: OK so as i walk through this map, I first notice the geomerging. And your weapon placement just cant get any better. The spawn for the sniper and needler is like epic sweet. With the sniper at the dunes and needler in the most unlikely spot. It sold me out in debt. The driving space for the warthogs and other vehicles is good enough to enjoy driving it around for ever. And just by the lay of this map, it looks like it too me that it holds huge epic awesome 16 party battles. A proud 10/10 for you and some time ill get a big party too play this well done map.
    #5 IxXROADKILLXxI, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  6. Bloodthirst1011

    Bloodthirst1011 Ancient
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    Oh my! i smell a feature. This map is great, and looks like it has grand gameplay (gonna test soon.) Geomerging it just makes it that much better, to :)
  7. Minime637

    Minime637 Ancient
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    WOW this map looks absolutely phenominal, i was surprised! you have done a superb job creating the bases, each one is beautifully created and looks great. i also like the geomerged objects off in the sand, although this is nothing new it is something that i really like on a map. overall this map is very well built, good interlocking and use of objects, it is also very asthetically pleasing. i will definatley download this and play it.
  8. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    I always love how much attention you put into your posts, and this ones no exception. The aesthetics are very good, and i'm always a sucker for asymmetrical flag games. I'm going to have problems finding 8 people to play this, would 3 v 3 one flag with toned down respawns and 4 second flag return work well in your opinion?

    I really liked the commentary on the weapons but....

    It is called a doogle, and i love it.
    #8 penguin asassin, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  9. Apple s4uc3

    Apple s4uc3 Ancient
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    This is a really nice map its big and very clean and I like its good gameplay and nice gametypes. Nice job.
  10. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Thanks Penguin Asassin! You're always commenting on my maps! I love it! If you want to play a 3v3 on Affliction, I don't think you would have to tone down the respawns, but perhaps the 4 second flag return would work. You see, this map is very large, and when large maps are played with a small amount of people there isn't much action. So I'm saying if you played a 3v3 on this map, there won't be as much competition for the spartan laser, and it might be much easier to get the flag. But I'm sure it would work! Give it a swing, and tell me how it went!

    About the weapon commentary.. umm... yeah. It was like 1:00am when my cousin and brother got off my Xbox. I wrote down a list of the weapons, and came back to type them up. I always stick in that commentary, I can't stand not having any non-bolded words in between the weapons. I might have recently developed OCD or something, but I always have to make everything I do the same.. I don't know why.

    So it turns out that I am more creative when I'm tired.

    Although I appreciate your post and all, what do you mean by "Nothing new"? Have you seen a map with a Sniper Cove off in the dunes before? Have you seen a map with this same middle structure? If you don't see anything new here, then where have you seen these structures used before? You kinda switch back and forth with your statements. I mean, you like not having anything new on a map?

    There are not any floating things off to the side. Perhaps you have mistaken the sniper cove for a floating thing. But picture descriptions, really!? It's not that I hate you because of what you did to my last map, but I think I have OCD, and I really need to keep each of my posts the same. Besides, what good would picture descriptions do you?

    EDIT: WTF? Rofl rating of 4 stars!? But everybody has been saying 5/5. I wish I could add a poll to this thread! Why can't I add a poll to this thread!
    #10 Conkerkid11, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  11. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Hmm when I played on this with a party the spawns did seem very annoying (though this has already been said) The LOS really wasn't as bad as the review stated either.
  12. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    i didnt rate your map 4/5.... i havent even rated it yet.

    and in the first pic in the middle the floating things.... i was just wondering what they were.

    and pic discriptions would help to even out the wrinkles of what things are (like i said in the last little paragraph... i didnt know what they were) thats would you could do.
    maybe im just toooo nit picky :p
    nice work tho i like this map a lot. honestly.
  13. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Oh, I see where you got confused. The floating things you see are in face not floating at all. Those are the beams sticking out of the ground at the sniper cove out in the dunes.

    I didn't say YOU rated my map poorly, I said SOMEONE rated my map poorly. Also, very sorry, but I'm strange like that. I can't change this thread's format in any way at all. It will drive me crazy to have picture descriptions when none of my other maps have them. Sorry, but I think the post looks fine the way it is. It's the map I'm concerned about.

    How about some of you run a few actual games on the map. That would be nice to see people actually playing the map.
  14. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    hahahaha wow optical illusion much? i just havent seen that in any sanbox maps yet....

    yah i kinda figured that after i posted it... i was just too lazy to edit it haha. and yah its up to you for pic descriptions...

    ummm alright well as you know: i dont have the mythic maps (yes not yet still... im poor :( haha) but ill go over to my friends and try it out
  15. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
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    this map is AMAZING! the bases are well built, and the way youve merged the pillars into the sand dunes is INCREDIBLE! absolutely love it, u have my downld easily :) look forward to playing it!

    EDIT: forget what i said above. ive changed my mind after playing on the map. i do think that the overall idea behind the map is good. however, now that ive played on it, ive found some major problems.
    1) the warthogs - they are wayyy to overpowering on this map which has little cover outside the bases. 2 warthogs either side is too much, reduce the ammount.
    2)the sniper cove is a good idea, however anyone who gets out there will be found to be wearing earplugs very shortly after as the constant beeping that warns u of being to close to mine field or w/e it is gets extremely annoying, even if there for just a short period of time.
    3) the group of us who played on the map found the bases to be plain and boring (although they are a good idea) and became very frustrated when a warthog or chopper got into the base by going up the verge behind it and around the wall, causing them to splatter/spray everything until somehow u manage to kill them with w/e u spawn with.
    4) the gameplay was horrible, mainly caused by the warthogs being to overpowering like i said before.

    On a positive note: I really like the way u merged the pillars into the sand, its gives a really good effect, but is let down by the points above.

    Sorry if i sound horrible, but think of it as constructive criticism, that i hope u will take into consideration, and perhaps change/update ur map.
    For Now: 5/10
    #15 Milk Assasin, Apr 21, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  16. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    this map is great, it is not symmetrical, but is perfectly well balanced, the side structures are a neat feature, and the map overall is very original, nice aesthetics, you managed to merge, geo merge and interlock in one map on sandbox, the middle could use a little cover off to the sides, but other than that, its great.

    5/5 great forging conker
    #16 R0FLninja, Apr 21, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  17. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
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    LMAO! i was warned you didnt like critisicm, and now i know why!
    for ur information, i did play a proper game on ur map 5 vs 5 team slayer, and the warthogs WERE overpowering! the bases ARE boring and plain, the beeping noise IS annoying and YOU shouldnt have built the cove so far out when u knew the noise was there! so yes that is a complaint about YOUR map not sandbox. there is NOT enough cover outside of the bases! and the warthogs CAN drive straight in the back of the bases which ruins everything! and yes ok the bases do have cover (i never said they didnt) but not when a warthog is parading around the inside! obviously u will disagree with all of this, but then u wud, its ur map! but when u wake up and face reality, sort it out, cos for now, it stinks...
  18. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks pretty cool. It seems like the only safe way to make it across from base to base is on a vehicle, which may not be too bad, but may also be faulty. Im sure its okay though if you tested it which you used the guild so Im sure it would have been brought to your attention if it was no good. I am sure to DL this and check it out on my own because it looks very pleasing. IDK why, but it reminds me of Valhalla, though it looks completly different. Good job.
  19. Milk Assasin

    Milk Assasin Ancient
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    Wow u really dont take feedback well. i gave my opinion of your map, which is the general idea behind this thread? is it not? and now ur throwing it back in my face! u are plain rude! i cant believe uve gotten so worked up just because i said that i didnt like ur map and suggested changes, and then u call me liar saying that i hadnt even played a proper game on it? well excuse me "mr know it all" have u sat in my house and watched me play xbox? NO! have u somehow been using satelites to spy on me when im playing xbox? NO! so dont acuse me of lying when u dnt even have the facts to prove it! everone is entitled to their own opinion and i gave u mine! if u cant deal with that fact that not everyone is going to bow down to ur wishes and like ur map, then u have major issues! i read some of your other posts (castle crashers) and uve treated others in a similar way, especially darksoulll, just because they have asked u too explian how ur map works a little better? cmon, not everyone will work it out from the description given, some people need more, but u get annoyed and go off the rails! personally i find this outragous behaviour.

    And as for the warthogs, u could block the back of the bases. and also if 1 warthog is inside the base, and the other is outside the base, how can i not get spawn camped? -.- and if im constantly being spawn killed how do u expect me to get the power weapons to take out the warthogs? u know im making sense u just cba to see it!

    At the end of the day, i dont like you or your map.
  20. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    So now you do admit that your spawns were messed up?
    Well to be brutally honest, I wasn't impressed that much with this map. It is better than quite a few other maps out there, but its just not worth the precious space on my hard drive. I could write a super huge review for this, but I already did for the test, and I don't wanna go there again.

    The map I guess would play ok now that the spawns are fixed (or so you say), but I just don't know about any truly innovative gameplay at all. Definitely nothing new, thats for sure.

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