<<Temple of Set>> Created by ShadowmanXL An Underground Temple to idolize Set, Egyptian God of the Desert, Storms, Darkness, and Chaos. Base: SandBox Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, Oddball, Team Odd Ball, Crazy Hill, Team Hill, Mosh Pit, Multi Flag, One Flag, Neutral Bomb, One Bomb, Juggernaut, and Infection. Story: 7he UNSC Spartans have recently discovered an underground temple dedicated to the Egyptian God Set. It is located deep underneath Sandbox. Description: An underground temple made honoring Set, Egyptian god of the desert, storms, darkness, and chaos. (4-16 Players) Overview: Red Base: Blue Base: Center: Middle Path: Download Edit:: I thought it would go here because it was orginally an infection map, but I added others.
looks like a good map but from the ics it looks like the powerups are accessible and about the name i think its intresting that set was the god of the deserts storms and necessary chaos and there was a god of the simmilar name seth who was the god of chaos
Thanks. Set and Seth are the same God. From what I read the greek, when translation egyptian hyrogyphics, the named him Σεθ. Which is how you spell Set in greek. The reason some people refer to him as Seth is because the Greek leter θ is equal to the letter t but makes the sound of th. Hope i cleared a few things. Really I read it all here, but i knew most of it already. Thanks. I tried to get it to be infection only, but after I was done I saw how symmetrical it was. So I added as many GameTypes as I could.