Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask. i played it yesterday no joke on my 64 and i still didnt have all the masks, damn!
lol The hardest game for me is probably Call of Duty 4 on veteran. You can't walk two steps without being shot and you die in like three shots. I know it's more realistic but is a group of 5 people up against 100 others realistic? I think not.
CoD4 ,Mile high club, veteran. Apparently it's one of the hardest achievements to get. I agree, 2 years and still no success. i've come close, but no. As for game, doom, the first, on the hardest setting.
I would have to go with a tie on that one, between Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and Lost Planet. Majora's Mask was difficult, because of the crappy save points. Lost Planet was difficult, because of the fact that you always had to be moving, and the hardest boss fights I have ever experienced.
I honestly didn't think Resident Evil 5 was all too hard on Professional, once you learn the simpler tactics. But I really don't know what the hardest game evah is. Mostly because after I play them on easier difficulty, I'm either bored or ***** out. EDIT; If anything, COD4's Mile High Club on Veteran.