Hi, im new to the fourm and this is my first time posting something, but onto bussness for the past 2 hours ive been making a woodsball/sanarioball (paintball) map on vallhala for both team slayer and one flag ctf, i wanted to make it so just one flag spawns in the middle of the map so eather team can get it, i deleted both the flag spawns and placed one in the middle where i want the flag to spawn and set it for nutral. Apon testing the map i find that the origanal flag spawns are back on the map and spawning the flag. so i went back into forge and deleted them again. tested...and there back... Anyone know how to fix this??? :squirrel_nono: :squirrel_nono: :squirrel_rant::squirrel_jaffa: please help meh
sry dude i cant think of anyway to help because im grounded and cant try it out my self. but if i get on later (midnight maybe) i could possibly find a solution, no guarantees though. BTW: welcome to forge hub