sewer rats made by d4rkdemon and i2 ninja 4u story you are a member of the pest control squad and your objective is to clear out the sewers which are over run by infected rats all the tubes are zombie spawns and how are humans supposed to get u to one anyway? the humans spawn with shotty and sniper and they have to work together to suvive the 'rats' and the 'rats' have to team up on humans to kill them since they have 50% damage human traits 110% damage shotty and snipe infin ammo zombie traits 50% damage energy sword infin ammo last man traits instant kill 200% speed pics inside overview (no roof) [/URL] view from human spawn (no roof) [/URL] view from zombie spawn (there are lots more) [/URL] outside overview [/URL] well there ya go map : Halo 3 File Details gametype : Halo 3 File Details sig pics [/URL] D4rkdemon [/URL] i2 ninja 4u Edit: there are two bugs in the map 1.a human could spawn in tubes 2 a zombie could spawn in pool but you can just say at the start before the game start 'if you spawn in pipes you have to jump down'
Look's ok from what i see. Gloomy effect does look cool with this map. But after reading the traits for Last man Standing, he pretty much sounds unbeatable haha xD. If you make a V2, more tunnel's! It's a good start with what you got, but i know theres more tunnel pieces then that : ).
I tested the map with him. We tweaked the gametype a bit; I don't know what you settled with in the end. The only complaint I have about this map is how small it is. But he and i2 Ninja actually interlocked, so they did care about this.
ninja here, I don't think you can quite understand the map until its been played on... Basicly rats (zombies) spawn in tunnels, they drop down to attack the pest controllers(human). Hope this helps!
from whqt ive seen and reading epic fish fingers post some more space should be added does look intresting
I think you can improve this map by making it taller and wider to allow more room to move. It doesn't look like you used that many objects on it. nice concept and minigame. 4/5
well we couldent make it any wider since we have ran out of shield doors making that one and you dont need it higher because there is no point, there is already 3 floors of zombie spawns and yes we tested it for 1 hour and a half and me and my parnter will be making a v2 very soon
For the theme your trying to go for, I'd change it so the zombie is the exterminator clearing out the rats, and the rate (humans) only have 1 life, but half camo, low grav, and high speed. Merely a suggestion though.
This looks untested, why because when you set damage to 50% you can still 1 hit with sword, plus humans cannot jump over the shield because it is too high, AND there is huge advantage for zombies looks confusing sorry 2/5 at least you tried experimenting, try something different
The design on this map is very unique.The red lights on this map really brings out the whole map.The red lights also help the pictures,so do the shield doors.This map isn't perfect,but it is really good.
what i like about this map: the neat idea. i really like the "sewer effect" the interlocking looks really smooth some problems: couldn't the last man just spawn camp right in the hall way outside the spawn room and use sniper to just destroy the rats as they came out? i think you should change it to limited ammo to discourage camping and place the weapons on different sides of the map so the people actually have to work. anyhow 4/5 for the looks and the semi descent seeming gameplay. i look forward to the v2
all the tubes are zombie spawns and how are humans supposed to get u to one anyway? the humans spawn with shotty and sniper and they have to work together to suvive the 'rats' and the 'rats' have to team up on humans to kill them since they have 50% damage
yah but you should make it LIMITED amo not unlimited as your description states. also last man should'nt have insta kill for that is really broken.... think about it...... that one big room where all the sheild doors are is the rat spawn right? how do they get out? by going out of the tube and dropping down into the middle then going out through a hall way? if so (like i said in my first post) the last man could pull out his sniper and own the rats as they came out
oh sorry you have got the wrong idea if you read the captions then you would know the humans are under the shield doors and the zombies are in the tubes and as long as you have a nicely sized party the last man will get some kill but will get triple teamed by zombies
this map looks really fun, if im corect the shield doors are either suspos to be water or just there to block the gun firing 5/5
yeah the shield doors are suppose to make it look like water and to make the humans not be able to shoot the rats until the last second
The map looks interesting, I like the idea. However, it's a bit small and the gametype looks as if it could use some tweaking.. 7/10
This map is ok for a large party, but it gets boring very quick as its very repetitive, I played this map with about 6 other people and somehow humans were spawning in the tunnels, maybe you need to add mroe spawn points. 2.5/5
this was fun, but i quickly found flaws, if i spawned as an exterminator in the sewer, i could've easily camped there