Duck Hunt V2 this is dunk hunt v2 it's cool I'm bored of it though so i thought yall might like it, right? (made in memory of the legendary blue pixy) Map History It is made like my friends duck hunt that is just fusion coils except this has KILL BALLS FOR THE PEOPLE THAT DON'T UNDERSTAND: all you do is spawn and die in the killball Pictures And since you all wanted to know what Blue Pixy's map was like I have prepared an amature sketch for you guys. Duck hunt v2
spam!!!! this isent duck hunt this is a normal game, you need more pictures if this is the map u were building it on because it just looks like a normal game,explan the map more and what and where u go
1. He doesn't need any more pictures, it isn't required. (although it would be nice) 2. He said that instead of fusion coils he just put killballs, it's the same game. 3. I don't understand your last sentence and everything looks better in 3's. Although I dont agree with his statements entirely you porbably should explain it a bit more... not every has played Duck Hunt, and knows what the hell your talking about... for example, ME! Please give a liiittle bit more information, and this thread would be a lot nicer...
I don't understand what this is supposed to be. It looks neither like a duck hunt map nor does it look like a regular map. Frankly I'm sick and tired of these stupid duck hunt maps, becase they keep getting remade and it's the same concept and same map structure over and over.
ok, this is stupid, how are we supposed to know what the map looks like. Are you trying to be annoying and just trying to get your rank up, or is this an honest map. does it say sucker in the corner, pls post more pics,no one will download without them