Map Title: Air Fort Creator: iTzSilverandrew Recommended Gametypes: Team Slayer/KoTH/CTF Players: 6-12 Download Map Description: Two bases opposite each other with a structure in the middle. The middle holds a laser but also has a killball to block line of sight. Both bases spawn with 2 Hornets, Banshees and Mongooses. There is debris in the air, and each base has AA(Anti-Air) Guns on both towers to defend their base. There also is a rocket launcher in the base, and a missile pod spawns outside on top. Also each base has a sniper rifle, so if you think you can snipe people out of hornets, or the AA guns, go for it. Also check out my pyramid map
Lol, way to advertise another map in your post, props. I like the air debris, it provides good cover against hornet missiles. I also like the killball blocking the lasers line of sight. You should put that in more air maps of yours. 5/7
The bases look good, but it seems like there's only one path between the two, and there's no real fun in that. But, I guess that's what the vehicles are for... with that in mind, this seems like a fun map, until the vehicles are destroyed... meh. I'll try not to think about it too much until i've tried the map. for now, 4/5 'cause it looks fun unless you try walking.
The road to the middle has a tunnel half way so you have protection from the aircraft. Also, I dunno how it can be too small for hornets.. its the entire skybubble.