The biggest (from what I saw) complaint on Foundry was the slanted walls and everybody wanted perfectly flat walls. What does Bungie do? They curve the walls backwards and at weird angles so now you can't really stop people from slipping into glitches. Just found it funny that the biggest complaint on Foundry wasn't even fixed on Sandbox. What do ya'll think?
Actually, Bungie did fix the problem of having flatter floors, they gave us many more items to use as floors instead of walls. I mean, really, you're complaining that the item designed and named as a Wall cannot be used as a floor. Thatis what I find funny.
There were bigger complaints about Foundry besides the tilt that happens when you try to use walls as floors, but thanks to the most recent weekly update, we know that it's not a problem with Foundry or Sandbox, but is instead a problem with Forge itself that would take an entire Title Update to correct. So long story short, quit your whining and figure out how to get around it like the rest of us.
he's not talking about the item "wall". he's talking about the actual walls of the crypt, and how they are convex. i agree. that probably pissed me off most when i first when into forge on sandbox.
Lol, why would they do that? If you want a good forge map, make a completely flat walled cube. The tops of double boxes have a slight curve, too.
but if you want a large map that takes up all of the crypt, it would be impractical to do that, it would waste too much budget and items.
It's becuase it's Bungie, and that's what they do. I love Bungie, they are a great game developer (the best IMO), but for some reason they always make poor decisions. There was no reason to mess with the Crypt walls, but for some reason they decided to ruin them. Oh well, it's life, we'll get over it eventually.
Even if you're talking about the convex bulge in the walls, I still say that you quit whining and figure out how to get around it like the rest of us. <_<
What I think is funny is that Bungie made ANOTHER map dedicated to forge, after hearing people beg for over a year, and people complain about it. They gave us 3 levels to work with, not just one. There is so much about Sandbox that is better than Foundry. If you really don't like the small bumps in the walls just make a map on the middle level or even try the top, which has no restrictive walls whatsoever. Bungie doubled the budget on Sandbox compared to Foundry, and tripled the amount of immovable objects. Sure it might take a little longer to make your map elsewhere, but without putting in time and effort anyway a map won't successful.
of course sandbox is great, its awesome bungie made a map like it. but the walls are just stupid. why would they do that when they know people need flat walls to forge well? and no, you cant just make a map in the skybubble or middle level if you want a decent sized enclosed map. it would just take too much budget and too many items that you wouldnt be able to make the map itself to its full potential. thats just stupid. the crypt should have flat walls, bungie made a cocking stupid mistake.
Tis a game, no need to get angry over that. Anwho, what I don't get is why people are complaining over Sandbox's "glitches." It offers more variety then Foundry has and is of greater stature. We (as the main Halo 3 Forge community or even the Halo 3 community as a whole) are enormously lucky to have such a great forge tool.
^ This is true. We had terrible walls on Foundry but we found a fixture to that didn't we. I believe it's called geo-merging and its possible on sandbox as well. Can't you all just do that?
He's not whining. He just thinks it's funny. I guess Bungie made it that way so that we have obstacles do go around. A game isn't fun unless it involves difficulty, like Tetris. Tetris would get old if all you did was stack objects. So, the game makers changed the shape of each block and made the blocks fall faster as time went on. I think it all comes down to competition. It's the competition of the fittest. This includes people who can get over these obstacles or get a high score in Tetris. That's just my view.
No one is denying that Sandbox is better. People complain because Bungie made poor decisions. Name one reason why Bungie should have made the Crypt walls like that. Exactly, there isn't one. It would have been easier for Bungie to keep them straight. Bungie fails sometimes. I just don't get it. We complained about Foundry's walls, ceilings, and cranes, so they give us a brand new map for forging yet make a similar mistake. Yes, I appreciate that Bungie even took the time to make us Sandbox, but I'm still disgusted with them for making forging harder on us.
Can anyone actually prove that they're convexed? I don't forge in the crypt, so I haven't noticed. How bad is it? Bungie's artists seem to go a bit mad on some of bungie's maps. Foundry is a good example; it would have been fine as a square room, but nooo! It had to be a remake of part of the mission The Storm. It had to be a warehouse, so it had to have doors and a strange roof and cranes sticking out of the ceiling. Of course Bungie's physics engine brought these objects to life, so they interfere majorly with most Foundry maps made. Sandbox is better, but still not perfect. Although I have no idea what has caused these walls to bulge inwards.
Oh. My. ****ing. God. If you want to ***** about Sandbox, there is already a thread. Keep all your bitching there, request lock. :lock: