Atonement 2.0 : Halo 3 File Details An ancient temple where the guilty ask for forgiveness or they are granted their death. 4-12 players The theme for map an ancient tribunal court. The 2 royal structures look down on the altar of the damned.The heirachy decides the fate of the shamed that stand before them.There are a mix of human and covenant weapons on the map with a primary focus on long distance confrontation. weapons: assualt rifle x4 battle rifle x12 shotgun x2 sniper rifle x2 spartan laser x1 SMG x4 plasma pistol x2 needler x2 brute shot x2 rocket launcher x2 covenant carbine x2 vehicles: warthog x2 mongoose x2 transport hornet x2 equipment: bubble shields x2 powerdrainer x1 radar jammer x1 grav lift x 2 replenisher x 2 overshield x 1 active camo
The map looks great it looks clean but I just think there is to many power weapons and u should of told us the gametypes but love the map.
I really like the lay out of the map, but just like the first version, I still think it is kind of sloppy. Doing a little interlocking for the ramps on the bases and for the tunnels on the side would do wonders. I think you also did a sloppy job with the equipment placement. You have a grav lift right next to the sniper when there is an empty symmetrical spot right next to it. Even then, the grav lift is literally seconds away from the regen. The trip mine is right next to the OS/Camo, but the top of the tunnel would be a perfect spot for it since it is currently empty. Lastly, the radar jammer. It is useless. Please get rid of it. I don't know how I feel about the gloomy effect. I don't particularly like the regular sandbox color pallet, but the gloomy effect just makes some parts too bright (Power drain spawn). Also, I don't really think the man cannons at the bottom of the ramps to the base fit very well. It is a pretty long ramp, but I don't think it is that much of a problem to put a mancannon there. If you just tighten up the basics, I think this would be feature worthy map. But currently, 4/5.