Some people were saying that it isn't that good of a montage, so tell me what you think. Edit: WOW PEOPLE ARE COMMENTING ON THIS?!?!?!?! OMG! I made this over a year ago and no one posted any comments on it, and now all of a sudden it randomly gets nonestop, trashy comments! Seriously?! I have an excuse for almost every bad comment on here (although I will admit that it was kinda bad)... First of all, it was made a year ago and it was the first video that I have ever edited. Second, I used Gamevee to capture the clips, which does not take off the time bar. Third, I used Windows Movie Maker to make it, which sucks. All I am asking is don't judge me on the first montage I have ever made and cut me some slack on when it was made. Thank You.
GOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDD TYYYYYYYYY very very good i liked the 2 scene when you killed that one guy with that one gun
Seriously, do you expect us to believe that the guys always wearing exactly the same armour and always standing still fro you makes us believe it is real? Ok then they weren't always standing still but they were alot of the time. Like at 1:18
It wouldn't hurt to see some MLG thrown in there. I didn't see a whole lotta OKs. Mostly doubles and Triples were in there. Get rid of the time bar on every clip. And the first minute looks fake. Either that, or those people really like to stand still.
Yeah, next time get rid of the time clip up top. Also i think you should edit it to the music more. (I hate that song to IMO xP) Some very nice kills but i think you should put some more variety, because alot of them were just snipers and i like to see a variety of kills in montages, including plasma pistol and needlers stuff are cool. Things that you won't normally use impress me.
one more piece of advice. i dont rly thing a triple kill with a shotgun is montage worthy. thts just me tho.
Kind of an off topic question, anyone can answer... but I have two killpocalypses (whatever 9 kills is) with all shotty. Is that tage worthy? Every shot will be synced to the music so it will look cool, but does having an all shotty clip downgrade the quality of the rest of the tage? I mean, we want to put it in because even though it's all shotty, it's a killpoc which is hard to do no matter what weapon you have or who you're playing, but we just think it's too tacky and will kill the mood of the tage.
9 kills is different. its waaay harder to get than a triple. i mean,. anyone could get a triple with a shotgun if the people came, right? but im sure if 9 people came at you, you would most likely die, but if you dont, than its tage worthy, and usually i watch mlg montages, mauler>shotgun to me, i would rather see a 2bl with mauler than a dbbl with shotgun, i just think that a triple with shotgun doesnt take as much skill as lets say a double with a needler. shotgun close range you could just spray and pray, with needler you would have to have presice aim in order for the auto lock to work. so.... CONCLUSION:shotgun doesnt need as much skill for a triple as most other weapons.
okay, serisouly, the quality of the clips, the video were pretty bad, i mean, the bar, was just lazyness, 2/5 for the vid. and that is being generous.
I think it kinds depends on the seriousness of the montage. If it's an all MLG extermanation tage, and you threw in the shotgun, it would degrade it and be a little unprofesional. If it's a casual tage, go for it.
I've seen MUCH worse. Just go on youtube. I liked the music. Really good taste, but the videos lacked... not quality, but more variety I guess. Personally, I like montages with vehicle kills and things that are pure win... Sometimes when you think something is retarded in first person, you can go look at it in different ways and it can appear a lot better than before (not that you need that advice, but it's just advice in general). Overal: 3.5/5
WOW PEOPLE ARE COMMENTING ON THIS?!?!?!?! OMG! I made this over a year ago and no one posted any comments on it, and now all of a sudden it randomly gets nonestop, trashy comments! Seriously?! I have an excuse for almost every bad comment on here (although I will admit that it was kinda bad)... First of all, it was made a year ago and it was the first video that I have ever edited. Second, I used Gamevee to capture the clips, which does not take off the time bar. Third, I used Windows Movie Maker to make it, which sucks. All I am asking is don't judge me on the first montage I have ever made and cut me some slack on when it was made. Thank You.