Sandbox Air Base

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Haloforgemaster, Apr 18, 2009.

  1. Haloforgemaster

    Haloforgemaster Ancient
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    In this game first one person must die to determine the rogue flyer. only the rogue flyer(juggernaut) can fly and get back up to the air base. others must use the weapons in the armory like lightly sheilded area. mean while the rogue fly must continusously attack the others. the others have equipment and other weapons. useing a (fully charged)plasma pistol or power drain with take down the hornet/banshee. the juggernaut shouldn't get out of his vehical unless it was grounded. If you arent the rogue flyer and spawned on the air base get off cause you can't piolet the vehical any way. I put the armory to even the odds a bit. please don't yell at me for that... try the game before you insult it.non rogue flyers are on the same team. the rogue flyer is whoever is killed first. this map is only in the basement of sandbox. don't try to blow up the non pioleted vehicals. hornets respawn 30secs after the round starts.

    Map pics:




    #1 Haloforgemaster, Apr 18, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2009

    AKILLYEZ Ancient
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    Honestly dude, have you thought about your sorces on what you can do on sandbox. I meen, really! You made an "air base" in the crypt. LOL. How about you make a map in the sky box or an elevated level on the main default map. Sry if im going hard on you but really dude, plan out your map ideas. After you chose the best setting, actualy make somewhat of a decent map on it. Interlock most pieces and in a month or so after testing repost your new map. Good luck!!!
  3. ducky buddy

    ducky buddy Ancient
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    fun map I played on it with a friend just a minute ago.. =)
  4. Haloforgemaster

    Haloforgemaster Ancient
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    i made it underground for restriction...i bet you didn't even test not wasteing a week interlocking....also undergroend was the best way to make a good map and fast!
  5. t0xic insanity

    t0xic insanity Ancient
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    i played it and it was great idk what the first guy was talking about

    DISYKI Ancient
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    it sounds like a great idea but it needs more pics..... you cant really tell what you do when your not in that armory area cuz that the only pic of the non pilot
  7. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    what ever you do don't rush making a map as you said to make one in a hurry you have to take your time and plan everything out cause to make a good map is to take your time don't let others get to you and try making a version in the skybox like make a big box and kinda have it just like this except give the humans some equipment like a flare and power drain. The shield doors are crooked. 3/5
  8. Haloforgemaster

    Haloforgemaster Ancient
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    I'm sorry about the pics..ill get some with a closer look and a battle field view may not see it but i did give equipment to the humans.
    #8 Haloforgemaster, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  9. TheGreatBrownie

    TheGreatBrownie Ancient
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    Well, firstly, "fast" forging is not good for making a map. I mean, if you want to make a good map; interlock, plan better, and line up things. It's a fact: humans base their opinions on visually appealing standards in pictures, such as interlocking. This decides if they want to D/L. Next time, take time to make things neat.
    #9 TheGreatBrownie, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  10. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Not the most innovative idea I've seen, but I'm sure it'll be fun for the first couple games. I'm glad you used Juggernaut most Mini Games have been revolving around Infection because it's many options. But yeah I think you could have add a little more cover or at least made the cover look a bit nicer because most people download certain maps because they can't make them. In this case you have a map that took you around 20 minutes to think up and around 5 minutes to make. I'll leave you with this, go back into forge and fool around with different objects and make the arena look cool at least, then go into the custom game lobby and fool around with the JUggernaut settings I would like to see more innovation, make me want.. no, need this Mini Game on my hard drive.

    Last second reread:
    I just read that comment, I mean come on that was the worst thing you could say to a forging community who slaves away hours at a time just to make the best maps and gametype they can come up with. And you, you say you're a Halo Forge Master? I don't see you even being a forger with that kind of mind, I was going to download this, but a map by a creator with a "make it fast and good" philosophy is bound to be horrible. I hope you the best of luck and I hope you change your thoughts around for the good or I suggest you either leave the forum or take your way to Off-Topic.

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