I got the idea fron gameFAQ.com whom is holding a best game ever tornament. the idea is fiind out what forgehub thinks the best song is. the rules for nominations are as follows: 1.you may nominate up to 3 song 2. if the song you want nominated already is,dont renominate it, 3.please provide a reason for nomination depending on how well this goes,Ill see how voting works. nominate...NOW! EDIT: after some critizem,Its being divided into genre's. Rap Hip Hop Rock Metal Jazz Country Techno Pop please put atleast one nomination in any catagory.
I'm sorry, but this is a terrible idea. It's one thing to have best game, you can narrow that down, but music? There are millions of songs out there, and not all of them tickle everyone's fancy. I could nominate some Josh Ottum and few would like it, just like someone will nominate a Metallica song and me not give a ****. People's musical tastes are different, and so declaring which song is the "best song" is basically saying "Which widely popular mainstream band has the most listeners here at Forgehub".
This won't really work out because there are people who are biased to other genre of music. For example: Some will say all rap is crap, money, and woman. While some will say all rock is people screaming and cutting wrists. But I will try. 1. One Mic - powerful track, doesn't rely on loud voices or beats, it relies on powerful words and beats. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrlZUlcV_Fg 2. Final Countdown - Don't ask why because you already know why. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZkllM8znx4 3. Jizz in my Pants - Funny and catchy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pXfHLUlZf4&feature=PlayList&p=5A9C50B207ADC1E0&index=0&playnext=1
I have to agree with sweeny todd. I don't even know what my own favorite song is, how are we as a site supposed to nominate our favorite song?
I never was the worldwide best song of all of recorded history. this just something I thought would be cool,and its just forgehubs openion,not the worlds.
Fredrik - Na Na Ni Fol Chen - Cable TV Aether - Makeshift Sanctuary Bitter: Sweet - The Bomb DobaCaracol - Entrange Josh Ottum - The Easy Way Out I'm just pulling this out of the air of bands I listen to. Now tell me how you can pick one over the other, because they all sound so incredibly different. No, we aren't choosing for the world, but we are choosing from the world. I am willing to bet that any of those bands I listed above, you never even heard of. Now, someone said above that people will say that rap is crap. Well ya, all you have to do is get a bit of sense and add a "c". But rap and rock isn't the only target. In fact, by only mentioning only rap and rock shows the musical diversity you can expect in such a Best song.. thing. There are more genres out their than Rap Rock and Metal, but the majority of society knows no better. Now, I am not saying that those things are necessarily bad, but I dislike them for the most part. I am not saying you have to like my music, but acknowledge that it exists. By having a poll for the "best song" it goes against such a principle by calling out 1 song as the absolute best out of all that exists in the world. I am sorry, but if you can't see the issues there then you are a narrow sighted fool.
Those were just examples. I could have mentioned Techno (IMO sorely underated) , Jazz, or country but I think people catch my point, there will be biased opinions which I don't have many except for country because the only song I know of is the Alabama one.
Wow, I had no idea how broad your musical genre knowledge was! Seriously though, those all go under the standard of well known genres. Rap Hip Hop Rock Metal Jazz Country Techno Pop And how is techno underrated? Have you been in a high school as of late? I can't hear enough about "sweet dance beats" and raves. You're only digging your grave deeper, aided by the fact that you nominated a folk parody rap song as one of the best songs ever. Also, biased does not adequately fit in this situation. Maybe "unintelligible" or "severely limited" opinions, but not biased opinions. I mean, sure there will be biased opinions, but they are the result of limited musical knowledge. But perhaps we are getting a tad off point here, which is that such a contest is pointless and frankly stupid, since there can never be a clear and decisive winner.
Guys, I can't believe it hasn't been mentioned yet. YouTube - Rise Against-The Good Left Undone Lyrics I win.
This thread should be divided into categories. Big fan of EDM here. (If you don't know what EDM stands for, and you listen to techno, you is fail) No order here: *Mike Foyle VS Signalrunners - Love Theme Dusk *Purple Mood - One Night in Tokyo *Orjan Nilsen - La Guitarra (You don't even know how hard it was to sum it down)
Guns n Roses- Nightrain Can put any1 into a good mood and very well played velvet revolver- The last fight Powerful lyrics and guitar riff Guns n Roses- Mr. brownstone great "anytime" song
Alestorm - Over the Seas Eminem - Encore The Parlor Mob - When I was an Orphan Throwing in some variety.
Should've just said Rickroll. Neways, my nomination. Limb From Limb - Protest The Hero Sad But True - Metallica We Don't Care At All - Alterbridge Technical Difficulties - Paul Gilbert /rant BIG fan of metal here =)
/EpicFacepalm Sweet Home Alabama is rock... unless you meant Alabama by Neil Young, in which case it's still rock... Lone has a point with Stairway... but I have to say that Comfortably Numb is the best song ever because of it's strong emotional undertone and epic guitar solo... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-MLxgkiPNg
Haha this thread FAILSSSSSSS. You'll never come to a final track. Might as well turn it into "whats your favorite song thread". PS, i despise 95% of whats been mentioned.