>>Afterlife<< >>Download<< Afterlife is my newest racetrack made in the depths of the Crypt. It features three banked turns and three track crossovers. It also has an cheat proof finish line. >>Gametype<< >>Racetracks<< >>Pictures<< Starting Grid Starting Ramp First Banked Turn Underpass Second Banked Turn Third Turn Fourth Turn Fifth Banked Turn Entrance to Cave Final Stretch and Finish Line Overview Please download and comments are always greatly appreciated. If you missed it: >>Download Afterlife<<
hey nice map man it is really good compared to the ones that have come out recently lol... The only thing is that i've seen probably 3 racetracks including this now that have the name afterlife lol. It looks pretty smooth and fun and uncheatable so I will DL and test this out later tonight =) Good luck on making more maps!
Wow, looks cool spades. Ill give it a download. Race maps always stay on my hardrive the longest because i love to zip around them when im bored. This looks nice and complicated, i dont like the short ones. It also looks smooth and well merged but ill judge that when i give it a go. It think the underground part looks awesome.
Very tasty. I'm definitely downloading it to check it out because it looks like a racetrack I might actually be good at. I think I can complete this one without falling because the turns have support and most racetracks don't have that in them. I think I would change one thing on it though, I would take out the grav-lifts because they just slow you down, and just put a shield door there. And I can't see from the pictures, but is the finish line cheat proof? It looks like there isn't any grav-lift to prevent you from going into reverse.
Hey good job. My favorite part of this race map is its tunnel. For some reason those just get me. =D The map is cool and well forged and I also agree with Val. I don't like short ones. 4/5
Those grav-lifts are there to help your fall there. I had to make it a fall because I couldn't fit a track under the other part of the track. Trust me, the grav-lifts help a lot. The finish line is cheat-proof. If you would read my three sentences. There are man-cannons there to prevent people from going back into the score point and the teleporters kill a person on foot. Trust me, I spent a good half-hour making sure you couldn't cheat on this map.
I did read your post, I just didn't know if you actually knew that you need grav-lifts to push you back. But now looking at the picture really thorough I can see Man Cannons on top. This looks really nice though and I have it que'd up now.
Yeah I realized there were other maps with the name Afterlife after I posted this. Oh well thanks for the comment. Thanks, sorry for the confusion.
Yeah the name has already been used like 3 times now lol... but I played this track and like most people are saying it isn't really anything new and all the banks are short... I like the fact that you actually took time to make it becuase all the banks are forged well and are all double wide so you can pass people. Also I don't really like the last bank where it drops onto another part of the bank and you can't really tell where you are going and that part isn't really smooth. Pretty good track though =)
OMG!! FREAKING AWESOME!! I've been waiting to see a nice banked racetrack map made in the crypt. Nice job!! Interlocking looks well done and it looks like the map plays well. I can't wait to see more. From Looks: 5/5
That last part was hard to make it smooth because I had to go from those boxes to the ground very abruptly because of the section of the track right above it being in the way. If I ever make a v2... making that section of the track smoother will be first on my list of things to do.
good map, the foto look very good i think its very good merged. i will download it and give you feedback of your map then.
just raced on this one its pretty sweet especially for the crypt, except the end of the last bank is kinda akward 4/5
Thanks! As I have said before, that part of the track was hard to get smooth because I was forced to make the track go to the ground very abruptly because of the other part of the track above it.