Hey everyone, after 2 days of work I bring to you my latest map, Pill Box! This is a small close quarters one flag map resembling military bunkers. NOTE: You cannot escape the map. The gametype makes 200% gravity, no radars, start with smg, no friendly fire, 5 sec respawn, 4 minute playing time, 5 rounds, no nades to start with. Recommended players per teams: -2-4 Gametype: -Close Quarters Weapons: -Br x3 -Smg x4 -Spiker x2 -Mauler x2 -Magnum x2 -Frag x7 PICS!: DOWNLOAD!: -MAP -GAMETYPE
I would've started this post off by saying it is possible to escape the map, but fortunately I read the post! However, I still think this would be very nice if you added a ceiling. Well, nicer. This is already a clean well made map. 5/5
looks good from the screenies, i'll give it a go good object interlocking btw and have you geomerged too?
This looks like a really good and I especially like the bunker close to the ground like you have it. I don't think this would be able to support much considering how small it is. I would recommend only two teams maybe a 2v2 or 3v3 at most, maybe a six player FFA, but that's just about it. Not to put you down or anything, but most people won't download a competitive map if it needs a gametype to play it. I suggest budget glitching some objects to make a roof and then you can have a map that can support all the default gametypes.
lol The recommended teams meant 2-4 players on a team lol But yeah I could add a roof because surprisingly the map left me a hefty $200!
i have to admit, the forging on this map is great, i like the layout, its unique and fun, although i little too small for me. I have to admit though, the fact that its escapable stops me from downloading it, although this map looks great, i absolutely hate it when its escapable, i understand that you might not have had objects to stop this, but i still just hate it when there not escape proof. Still though great job on the map, its just not for me.
First of all, I signed in just to post on this map... Epic Map The post: I would have liked a better description and maybe some pics of just the map itself. The action pics seem to give a good feel for the size, your right it is a small map. The Map, from pics: It seems like a preety good map, fun for doubles too. You really perfected the bunker style maps, this is the best one I have ever seen, very creative if you ask me with all the barrals for cover (seems simple but useful). I love the different elevations that give a new flavor to all kinds of maps, especially yours. The Map, From tests: Coming soon. Questions: I see there is no roof which disapoints me because I think it would be awsome for a fully enclosed bunker area, but if you were to make one I would suggest making the walls taller so you can acually jump the full height. Also, people wont like only being able to jump at 200% so my advice is to put a roof in (pray to god you have enough objects/budget to complete this task) Please consider a V2. Thank you.
I love your little "bunkers" with the windows those are just purely awesome! I just have one question did you start this in Google Sketch-Up? Because if you didnt tell me how to imagine maps like this in your head XD! 5/5 But no DL because I dont DL Foundry as much anymore.... savin space for Sandbox maps...
Like Arvas, I'm not really downloading Foundry maps these days, but I think I'll make an exception for this, it looks like it would flow well, but it does look quite small. If you are planning on making a v2 then make it bigger, but I haven't had the chance to play it yet, so I'll try remember to comment on its gameplay later.
i've just read your reply to two threads and you sir should read the damn posts before you reply to them.
This is really good, and everything is forged together nicely. I saw one unstraight wall but other than that it is prefect. The layout is very creative as well, and I love the combination of flat dbl walls and dbl boxes. Very good map.
Thnx. and that crooked wall, I think I know whcih one you're talking about. The one on the right in pic 9-10. It's spposed to be slanted in to create a more rugged feel not so completely straight.
This map looks so cool, and I will DL and play it tommorow. I think you should of put a roof on it, and not put peoples gravity to 200% though, cause it would make everything look alot nicer. At first, I considered just bypassing the map, cause you had a bunch of close ups, however you zoomed out and showed some overview shots, and then I was hooked. Again, I will DL and play tommorow.