ULTIMATE DUCK HUNTING Made by c h r i s 1o and lynxylewis Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details You all know what it is, not much to describe. Duck hunting map made on sandbox. Map goes around the sniper rather than up levels in front of him, this means there are differnt paths that can be taken. Great fun to play and isnt the same as older ones. Games types with it are: -closed season, sniper 2 shots kill -Quaser, laser no shields (The laser shots that normally take your shields down will kill you) Of course you can also use your own to make it easier/harder I know the forging isnt the best, only really interlocked stuff when I really had to. The only main problem is that the zombie can jump out and kill himself, will fix soon Pictures And an action shot Map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametypes: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details It is my first post/map so be nice Let me know if theres any problems with post/map so I can get it sorted. Thanks.
great this one looks a lot better could you make a bit more screenshots its not really clear how the paths are and eh where is the end where you get a weapon to kill the sniper ? however this looks a lot better i like the idea of the different paths and around him makes alot more fun for humans
i have to say that im tired of duck hunt maps because the take no skill to make because all you have to do itt provide cover why dont you try making a competitive map people like those alot, if competitive maps are not you thing they try to come up with a new mini game for everyone to enjoy, but for your first map you came up with some interesting ides but thats all. there is also from what i can see no interlocking which could have provided some interesing tunnels or spots to hid behind. since this is your first map and im guessing your sort of new to forging why dont you take the time to watch Bl00d f1r3's forge school on youtube it helped me improve my forging skills alot.
WOW. this is your first map on fh? it's damn good. Although that might just be because i love duck hunt maps hahaha nicely done, great idea. Could use a little work on the forging but nothing bigstuff 8/10 from me
thats true but that doesnt take away from the fun of the game or the map everyone likes duck hunt so this should get a lot of downloads also i think that tower in the center is great im gonna have to use that design on one of my maps
Hmm. this duck hunt map looks a lot better than mine, but the hunters spawn does look a little familiar. anyway i am concerned on how the map actually plays. but until I test it.
its a mini game, meant for casual fun? it looks really good, maybe if u clean it up a bit then 5/5 but still a great map. 4/5
Thanks all, I didnt really both with interlocking everything as its a time thing and for a duck hunt map its not as important. Dennis the start is in the red building, the end is a teleporter that leads to the top of the red building, where theres custom powerup and rockets. Thanks for the downloads
Awesome idea for this duck hunt map. I like how you made the map go around the hunter (zombie) instead of levels in front of him. Very creative, and original (I think). Going to try this with a good size party later on. But awesome map!
This really looks nice, but I think you're making it a bit to hard for the shooter because the other hunt were meant to be on the same wall so the shooter can keep an eye on all the runners. You said this will allow the runners to go down different paths, but from the looks of it you still only can go one way... I'm not all that into Duck Hunt because it has the repetitive gameplay and to me it gets boring, therefore I will not be downloading. I'm just commenting on what I think may help the gameplay out overall and what I think needs fixed.
Thanks ducky Thanks for comment, its actually quite easy for the shooter, specially on a 1 shot kill due to the length of the level. As for the differernt paths, I mean paths on different levels, although theres a strait path from start to finish but theres an option to go above/below for most of it. Thanks for the advice though, appreciated.
With a party of about 8 it works out fine. Else you can do it takes 2-3 shots for a kill rather than just the one. Or you can use a laser
It is good but too complicated. Mine is on sandbox was it resembles the original on foundry. I think this resembles "open season"
Wow! this has to be the craziest duck hunt I have ever seen! I like how the hunter is in the middle and has a 360 degree view of the course. I'll definetly download and play with my friends. Nice job.
nice job you did everything with the looks and the defence for the ducks with a nice sniping spot for them.NICE JOB :0) !
Thanks, didnt want to just remake the foundry one, as then you may as well just play the foundry one. Wanted to try summin a bit different even if it was still duck hunt. Thanks for other comments, hope you enjoy playing it