New Team Ok, I am now making a team on Gamebattles, I have had an accout on it for a long time but have never had the time to make a team. I am looking for 3 very experienced players to hopefully join my team. I am also looking for a name for this team, so if you want to join, then leave a comment and if you have ideas on a name.
Hey, I'd like to join. GT= TheBlueHaze My record is crappy and I'm probably about as good as a 45-47 Almost 30 in Snipers I'm 30-something in Swat I think im 18 in MLG Team name should be StarsAndStripes PM me =D
That is a good name, But i need 3 people, so if anyone else wants to try out for the team, comment here
I'll go ahead and try. I'm a 42 in Lone Wolves. Maybe a bit better than I look. I'll let you guys decide on a team name, but if its dumb i'll object.
ill join i am only 12 in team slayer but i play alot of custom games and loads of forge my main focus in matches is going for power wepons i am awsome at melee and i am good with most guns