Me and 2 friends were leaving school and we went to a small store nearby and outside of it is a vending machine. The machine ate 2$ of mine and I click the button for the change refund thing, like that ever works, and we hear some change fall into one of those slots. Here is the part of the thread you came to see: Just as my friend was about to stick his finger into the change refund slot, he looked inside, saw the change, and something else. There were needles in it, covered in blood. What do you think about that? Just some random needle someone accidently stabbed himself with? Yes but a little different. Just some random needle someone with AIDS that stabbed himself with it on purpouse to make someone else infected. That is my guess. We went to the stores clerk and she call the police. And the rest I'm not sure of but the officer said there isn't much they can do to stop something like this.
That's a bit odd... Good thing your friend didn't touch it. He wouldn't have been able to have sex then
Woah, just goes to show you, you better be careful where you stick your fingers...I couldn't imagine poking my finger on it and getting infected. Your friend is lucky though and so are you.
wow that is fuvked up glad youre friend didnt touch it i never look inside when i grab my change i thinnk ill start looking
That's weird... it was prbly used for drugs or sometin' (idk much about needles and stuff but I could be wrong) I hope they get what they deserve for it
I think I read about this, and it's only to be jackasses. If anyone sees something like this, call the police because they are the only ones that can do anything.
If they were dry: The only one you would really worry about is hepatitis. HIV/AIDS is fragile and puny outside of the body, but Hepatitis is what you should have been afraid of had it been dry blood.
Wow. That would really suck if you got it. Probably some crazy fresh-outta-the-asylum 30 year old did it.
Wow, our world is coming to an end, people are trying to others they don't even know. But thanks for bringing that to my attention Vinny, I always learn something new from the General Chat useless and in this case not. I definitely going to be more cautious after hearing this about this though.
i dont think it was his/her goal to spread their AIDS to an unsuspecting victim. probably just some douchebags thinking they're cool as ****. besides, a virus like AIDS cant survive outside of a host for very long.
But on the plus side, the machine gave you your change back. I've never had a vending machine that returned my money.