BASKETBALL I know many people have made/played many halo sports like this before. This is my verison of Halo Basketball. I added a few asthetics to the map like a press box but I couldn't add stuff like bleachers for that could mess up gameplay. I kept the floor empty to keep gameplay smooth. I know the map is simple but it's a fun game. DESCRIPTION: Halo Basketball is similar to grifball and halo football in some ways. To begin the game, both teams start next to their hoops and run for the ball (neutral bomb) which is floating in the middle, like a jump ball. To score, the ball carrier dunks the ball in the hoop. It's an instant detonation that kills the ball carrier. The ball carrier also has a forced color of black. The game is played in four quarters (rounds) that are each 3 minutes long. Players spawn with gravity hammers and have no shields and low gravity. SCREENSHOTS: overview of the court red teams hoop blue teams hoop jump ball press box view from press box dunk the creator Here's the link to the map: Basketball Here's the link to the gametype: Halo Basketball If you want to play some matchmaking with me or forge my gamertag is RabbidDog11. Please leave comments......
this map look fun but i has been done before but i think that you did this better then many other ones. i would give you a 3 out of 5 well done.
Hey X2SheaX, it is a lot like Grifball, but it is a bit different with the gametype and the strategy. Because the plant point is in the air, it means you can't just run over the point and score. You actually have to be in the air. Also, it is a bit harder to kill the person, and there are a few other minor differences, but you are right. It's a lot like Grifball. Still, though, my friends and I have had hours of fun playing on my 1st version I had made at Foundry. Also, I don't mind critics, I like all of the constructive critcism I can get on this map and the others I have made.
I agree with X2SheaX, it's a lot like Grifball Maybe you should make it so that the ball carrier is really slow, so he has to drop the bomb and pick it up, or "Dribble", kinda like running the flag in MLG I haven't played it yet so sorry if you did the idea with the bomb guy really slow, I just wanted to give constructive criticism 4/5 since it' s not really original, but great job (Love the Press Box Idea)
i have a very old (crappy) version of this on foundry off of bungie favorites and this one looks alot smoother (its empty) and the fact that i dont see any grav lift's in the picture so i'm assuming that it is either able to be jumped on normally or you set the gravity alot lower. good map anyway What really surprises me is that this is a very simple map, im extremely surprised that no one has made it before you and posted it here.
Hey D SCHEID, that "dribbling" idea is very interesting, and I might use it in the gametype if I edit it. It would add a new twist to the game, and also make it more realistic. The only thing that would bother me would be the announcer Bomb dropped Bomb Dropped Bomb dropped Anyways, good suggestion.
Good job completely copying BWO Ball. Everything from neutral bomb in the middle to drunking to the ball. Even asthetics. 0/5 Create your own idea pl0x
I checked out BWO Ball and its very different. First off, they have swords and grav lifts and man cannons spread all around the map. I have a clean slate where you can dunk the ball by yourself and have hammers. Their hoops are also very cluttered while mine is very simple.
This is definetly new. I've heard of baseball, soccer, & football. When I thought of Halo Basketball, I thought of the basketball hoop on Blackout. But I like this one. I admire the press box (as an atrist, I have an attentive for little details.) How do you get up there, though?) Gameplay looks similar to Grifball, so it would have a siimilar feel and easy adaptability.
Can't really say it's original, but what I can tell you that you did a very good job constructing it and I love the thought you put into and went into to detail by even putting a press box. I've always wanted to tell a creator of a basketball map that... you should set the carrier traits to walk extra slow so people will have to juggle the bomb which will put more into the game and it'll look like the player is dribbling. Maybe put deployable grav-lifts on the map so it's like you are slam dunking, just a another a suggestion. Good job on the map and I hope you stay true to the passion of forging. :]
yes, this needs to be explained further - i know how difficult it is to have spectators or commentators in an Assault game without requiring honour rules
Just to let evrybody know, because there have been some questions, the press box is just for astetics. There is an empty receiver node in there, which means if you quickly spawn a sender in firge, you can go up there. I just put it there for the looks, but if you make a machinima of halo basketball, you could alternate showing the game and having two announcers. Also, I am going to try and see how the dribbling effect works, and I might incorporate it into the game mode.
This is a good idea but its to big your right the whole thing is smooth and nice but to big.Nice job though.
Horrible Idea, done too much. The Viewers box is sloppy. Sorry 1/5. Nothing Here I haven't seen before. It is fun though.
One of my friends made a sick basketball game, but he probably won't post it, so I might for him. I like the idea of the press box. One thing I would like to see is that you just hit people and they die, rather than using grav. hammers
Don't take this the wrong way. Very unoriginal. I have seen this done many times before. I have seen it done better. Please put some thought into your maps. It is also poorly made. Every thing was placed sloppily. Put some time into your map, and make something that is fun and original rather sloppy and common.