Purple flush download link Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details The Gametype: Purpledler ball download link Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Short description of the game: Its a 4V4 assault gametype with needlers its abit like griffball but modified to work with needlers the person with the bomb has 2X overshields instead of 3X Overshields the people with out the bomb has adjusted speed so he can dodge needlers and he has higher jump now for the pictures Pictures: Blue Bomb Spawn: Red Bomb Spawn: Bomb Spawn: The Court: Gameplay Pictures: YouTube - Purple Flush Halo 3 Map Thankyou testers if i missed anyone out pm me: killerrrbeee, civillcekillian, bushidoburrito, spartan 7997, CombatEX, Edd13kwl, Mr Psycho 1471, wedgie48 , General Bob93 Peace Out. Creative Minds Created By F34R THE W4K3N
the needler idea is really cool with grif ball and all.... but dont you think that if theres needlers there should be more cover? at least a barrier or 2 by the middle or something.... i understand its grif ball.. do the regular people have 3x oversheilds? i read your description and i saw that the bomb guy has 2x but i was wondering bout the normals
I've been waiting for one of these for a while now. Great job on answering my wish. In reality, this isn't the most original thing (duh), I mean you could switch the stnadard grifball weapon with anything (SMG's, Fuel Rods, brute shots, and so on) as you did with needlers, and there would be new gameplay. But you did an alright job with it, maybe you should've interlocked the floor a bit, it wouldn't have been to hard/
the normal people do not have 3X Overshield they have a little bit more health but i would of made the floor interlocked but it would of made the court smaller and you dont actually need the barriers you can dodge the needlers because you have abit more speed
Great job. I like the whole concept, and believe me that it plays very nice. Keep up the good work. 5/5.
I like the idea of using needlers for griffball. i will post another comment about gameplay after I download it. BTW, how did you get the kill balls to look like that?
Looks pretty cool, especially how you can push people off the edge. I don't like the random killballs though. They take away from the map.
to make the killballs like that you put a juicy effect down and the killballs are there to make it a little bit harder becuase of the brightness
Wow...I love the simplicity for using needle ball(?) and grifball in the same game put together on sandbox.I love the killballs too.They put detail and touch to the map.The enjotment level was amazing when I played this dude.
wow kinda simaler to what my friend did except his is insane we forgot to make it on the new maps im not going to tell you what it is though cuz i dont want it to be stolen cuz it involves needlers.... but great job! cant wait to try.
Class stuff mate, thoroughly enjoyed playing this map with my friends. No improvements i can suggest to be honest, all looks great. I give it a 10/5 Absoloutely quality! Can't stop playing it. Keep up the good work.