Mythic DLC Disassemble.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by AMidgetAndAClub, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. AMidgetAndAClub

    AMidgetAndAClub Ancient
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    Yes, it's another Assembly forged towards MLG and it's gameplay. I know we have seen a ton of these and I had to make one because of all the nifty things others have come up with. Basically I combined a lot of ideas I have seen around. It is only set up for Team Slayer as of now. I fail at making objective maps.

    I started off by DLing Rocket Octo's Assembly because I liked the lift he put in the middle as well as the roof he put on Sniper Tower. Which was a sniper tower until we realized how bad sniper sucks on that map. So we put Rockets back in.

    Lets start off with the base markers. I obviously used Camo for Blue and OV for Red. There are 3 on each base, one above each door way and one in the middle. We pushed the ones above the door way as far back as we could. As far as I know as of now, there is no way to get them.


    Next I put a Plasma Pistol in the bottom hallway of each base.


    And in the center, we have Rocket Octo's lift that he floated in the middle using a weapon holder. The only thing different I did was make it instantly respawn if destroyed. As far as I know, Rocket Octo was the first person I seen come up with this idea. So I am giving him the credit for it.


    Underneath that is the Mauler. It is on a 150 second drop spawn.


    Now we have the Rocket Tower. Which we affectionately call "The Pig Tower". You can see why. We added a roof to it using a lift blocker and yes you can get on top of it. Gives it a nifty P3 feel. The rockets are on a 3 minute drop spawn. They include one spare clip.


    And finally we have the custom OS. I put it on top of this platform instead of underneath as most others did. I used lift blockers around the back to keep you from falling off. They only stick up a little bit. But it is enough to keep you from walking off of the edge. To compliment those, I put one in the front of the platform for some cover. It only covers you enough so you can shoot over it. To get complete cover you have to duck. This proved to work better then complete cover. The OS is on a 2 minute respawn.


    Final weapon tally is..............

    10 Battle Riffles on a 10 second respawn and 2 spare clips.
    5 Carbines on a 90 second respawn and 2 spare clips.
    8 Frag Grenades on a 30 second respawn.
    6 Plasma Grenades on a 30 second respawn.
    1 Rocket Launcher on a 3 minute drop spawn and 1 spare clip.
    1 Mauler on a 150 second drop spawn and 1 spare clip.


    X1BLACKOUT1X Ancient
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    It looks good but The way you added things to it (the lift blocker ontop of rockets and around CP) I think really takes away from the original map. The grav lift is a great idea and I'm going to add it to my version.
  3. Midnite Haze

    Midnite Haze Ancient
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    i love the idea of MLG playing on assembly, and this map. i love the grav lift in the middle idea, but has to b somthing besides a grav lift. i havent looked at assembly's forge options but somthing like a floor so when you go thru u dont stand there floating.
  4. Sol Pope

    Sol Pope Ancient
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    Am I the only one who can't see his pictures? "this image or video has been moved or deleted"
  5. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    "This image has been moved or deleted"

    Could you please fix the pictures?

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