I rarely ever post in the forging threads (or much at all at that) but now I really am stuck . I have a pretty sweet idea for a map (which is unusual for me to have an idea) and it involves forging a small pyramid I guess. the current floor I have (if you must know) is.. 15 double walls (thats 3 wide, 5 tall((sorry I suck at dimensions))) and..I basically need a pointed, pyramid structure. the only problem I have is trying to make the sides fit into each other, but not like..stick out from the corners, I want it flat. Has anyone seen a map/ know how/have an idea how to make a clean pyramid? Thanks in advance..if someone helps..I'll give more info if you people need. (Note the pyramid is NOT the only thing in the map..if it sounded strange to any of you) Since Photobucket is being really...weird..today, I can't post a picture of what I'm looking for, but if you look at a pic of a pyramid, its basically that. Just 4 sides, walls moving up into a point. GT= Skyler Is Manic if anyone would like to come and help me, for any reason
um id say, get some huge ramps and make an outline, then lay the double walls against them and go from there.
On the front page of Bungie.net, they posted something that would help you... let me find it... Here ya go: http://www.bungie.net/News/Blog.aspx?mode=news#cid18926
@ First guy, that seems like an good idea..I just dont really know if the angle would be high enough to my picky liking. I'll test it out though @ ace, thats a really sweet pyramid actually..just not what I want, I just wanted a like..flat walled one. like a mathematical pyramid, 3 sides (4 in my case) leaned against each other to form a point (I don't know if thats the real definition for one, but yeh) I'm updating the first posts, for future people who stumble upon this. Like a pic of what I want.
well for my idea id say stand the huge ramps up. and you could either a. move them really close and make your pyramid as tall as a huge ramp stood on end or, put 2 sets of them at the same angle and do it that way.
i think you could just use the wedges and corners couldnt you when you move up a leveljust move in about a double box and build off of the box right im a forge noob though so if a better forger says im wrong i probably am