Tadadadaaahhhhh!!!! It's time to fish some sharks! but attention guys the shark want to kill u! It's a big view of the map The shark!! The fishers Ahhhhhhh the shark!! The fishing zone
um how do you play can you please give more detail from what i can tell it looks fun but i really dont know what to do
There is no download link. You have i think about an hour to fix it. Also try giving a better description, about the game, because I don't quite get it.
the map's really good, but there's no download. if you put a download, can you contact me, cuz i'll probally forget.
I agree with abandoned heretic this game does sound fun, but could you please explain how to play it.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mini-game-maps/66171-fishing-sharks.html please read this post is the good one