Hey everyone, today the BTB Shenanigans team presents the second episode of our new series BTB Shenanigans. If you haven't heard of us, slap yourself go to this thread, here, for more information. And remember, Big Team is srs business Enough talk, let's watch episode 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lh14FQcAFU&fmt=18 If you missed Episode 1, here's a link: Ep. 1
good job on the editing. next time, remember to cut where the clip begins to move, or stop moving. Also, remember to add fade ins or dissolves between and when the episode starts. other than that you did great for your first time around.
I agree on what Phreakie said, also next time when you edit I suggest making the credits a little bit longer. Otherwise, you did a good job Amercan.
i forgot to mention next time make the frame 640 x 480 its better quality so it doesnt stretch the pixels. keep that in mind too agamer
Honestly I liked the first one better. I would like to see more cool stunts from you guys. I liked the convoy of mongooses though on vahalla that was funny. Nice job, Ill try to get gold to join you guys for the next one
That is so much win right there. It had some good moments but the flow in this seems choppy when going from clip to clip.