The SB is often overlooked and considered weak due to it's nonexistence in Matchmaking and also it's poor quality in Halo 2. I want to try to get it recognized as the strong weapon it is. Check out my map Advancement in my sig and you'll see how powerful it truly is.
It's very powerful, if you're good with it. It's different from using any other weapon, though. Glad you like it. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people here who've realized it (and like it a lot). It's on 2 of my maps: the lobbies and kentucky tango, Furious' unchained and exacted, and many others. Just to keep you modest, lol.
i picked up this weapon in forge maybe 3 weeks ago and started playing with it with my friend, and it is a really fast killer
many people also dont know that it can end the terror in the sky (hornet) in custom games easily by aiming at the pilot seat and the hornet will be ripped in shreads in 1-2 seconds
the sb is actualy one of my favorite weapons in halo 3. its sad that they dont put it in matchmaking. i can picture a gametype for mathcmaking in my head that says Team Sentinel Beams. lol
You can actually get headshots with this weapon, as long as it's the first part of the beam when they have no shields.
I think it is too powerful, one it is too easy to aim with. The auto-aim is ridiculous and so is the range. I consider it a snipe weapon because it is more accurate than a BR. It can also kill faster than most rapid fire weapons.
Umm not to burst any bubbles, but wouldn't this thread going under the Gaming - Halo Discussion Forum? But anyways back on topic, I like the Sentinal Beam in Halo 2 Campaign but otherwise I have never used it in Halo 3... :squirrel_wtf:
I noticed some people voted "Pointless." Make sure you're not judging the weapon off of it's Halo 2 ability. It flat out blew then haha.
If you ever place it in a map of yours and play the map with your friends, you'll notice that you will probably be the only who would go for it. Even if you die using it after getting like 3 kills the person will just walk past you, pick up maybe the shotgun you had and run off.
its good against veichles i find, combine two of them against a hornet, warthog or banshee and you'll find the occupants cant drive/ fly out of the way of the beam - its especially uber good against mongeese as they are totally exposed
My friend was jumping off a box in foundry and was coming after me and died before he hit the ground. He had all health too