Hasty Hornets Teams: 2-4 Players: 4-12 Map Download Gametype Download I put this map together about a month ago but never posted it. It's fairly similar to my birdhouse map and mongoose rocket race with the exception of hornets. Now that sandbox is the first map to allow the building of 4 hornets, this map is possible. Please note a few of these photos are of early versions of the map (basically the ones without the filter) As you can see this map has been constructed in the bottom of sandbox. Each team spawns in their own small open box. In each one of these boxes there is a power drain which only the VIP can pick up at the spawn. This brings up an interesting problem/glitch with the game. Apparently only Spartans can throw equipment when they are on the side of a hornet, so it's best to avoid being an Elite while playing this game. The difference between this game and normal mongoose rocket race is that you can have two passengers allowing the game to accommodate 12 people or 3v3v3v3. Only the teammates can drive, so the VIP must be one of the two passengers. Once everyone is on board the team must begin heading toward various VIP points scattered throughout the air. Passengers are only armed with power drainers and a plasma pistol so their only hope is to disable other team's vehicles rather than killing and destroying. The game plays up to 15 and is only one round long. It's fairly simple so the game gets a little old over time, but generally a good time. I'm open to any feedback, and as always enjoy!
Wow, seems like a great map. I love the idea of rocket race and now to have it in the air. Amazing. Air vehicles are my favorite vehicle(besides the scorpion) and this looks like something that a lot of people would love. One question, what happens when you get power drained or if you get shot by a plasma pistol, do you fall to the bottom of the level and then have to work your way back up. Also, it seems like it would be really hard to get the points. i guess you only have 1 power drain per team unless you were to stop really fast, drop the VIP off, pick up a power drain and get back on. Overall, I love the concept and I am definitely downloading. maybe you should make one in the normal level of sandbox.
Try making the score 10, add in other weapons(?) so people can get out to grab them, so they waste time but are more able to "remove" competition. Add kill balls to be dodged, along with other objects. All in all, fun map, but i got bored after the first two rounds i played. 3.8/5
The only reason I didn't want to do this is because in birdhouse, essentially the banshees version of this map on avalanche, the banshees can be destroyed and I feel it really slows the game down. It forces the team to wait around until for the hornet to respawn normally about 30 seconds regardless of the min/max settings.
I still give this a 4/5 cause in the passenger seat it really sucks :\ You can barley see ANYTHING and its hard as hell to aim
Is there an Honor Rule of not being able to shoot the Hornet Machine Guns or Missiles? I can see this being unbalanced as there are two Hornet, Transports and two Hornets. Other than that, seems pretty fun. Not DLing unless there is a way to solve that unbalanced issue.
The drivers don't do any damage... so they can shoot all they want but it's not going to do anything.