Ok everyone, just got bored as usual and made this. In my opinion it is too overdone but you never know some of you may think differently Input and suggestions are appreciated! V1 V2 V3(BIG change) With Domi's white border
How should I put it? I don't want to be rude, but I don't think there is another way besides being nice. I don't want to do that. Frag Man? Nice? Haha, I crack myself up. Well I'll just say it's over contrasted, and the colors clash too much.
I don't know about you, but it's freakin amazing! I like the small color explosion effect. Overall its a 4/5
No, but put some flow into it. The direction you have the bubbles going truly ruins what could be a great signature. Okay, nevermind then.
I actualy think its pretty sick. The colors are a little strong like he ^ said, but It still looks fine. Also the maybe make the text a little smaller? Idk Great sig though.
lol Well I can' really change up the program( not too many ones other useers are familiar with on mac) yes I use mac))
Uh I don't like how it all seems to be one color. The color ruins the flow in my opinion. Try using more than one color or take some of the contrast away. Also change the text up a little, it doesn't seem to fit that well with the sig.
Whatever floats your boat Fragman K eguitarplaya. I'll do some more work on it as I'm always looking to improve