Ok so I'm fairly new to forging. This map is probably the best map I've made so far(that isn't saying much). It's a KOTH map on sandbox. It has a large pyramid on ground level containing a spiraling ramp and a shaft leading down to the crypt. It took me about 6 hours to make. Check it out and tell me what you think. I'm open to altering it if there are any major flaws. I'd appreciate any and all feedback. Also, no one on my friend list plays Halo so if anyone wants another person to play customs with or play test their maps, add me. http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=73854475 Front entrance of pyramid: Overhead view of the pyramid and spawns on ground level: Not-so-secret shaft entrance that leads to crypt: Overhead view of the crypt: Middle crypt hill: One of two side hills: Hill behind pyramid on ground level: One of two sniper towers with teleporters that lead back to spawns: Spawns:
Thanks. I just joined these forums today. I've had a chance to look at some of the other maps that are on here and I know mine doesn't compare, but I'll get better. =)
this map looks pretty neat. i like the giant pyramid and use of both levels, i dont like the teleporter back up, people can spawn kill, put it floating in the air, not alot but maybe a block high to prevent this.