does anyone realize that? its got the physics of halo, but the one shot kills and all the other tactics of COD i know SWAT was in halo 2 but i think the new updates have made it more modernized. Do you think Bungie is taking some of the publics advice about why COD is becoming so popular so quick??
Actuelly not to be mean, but COD1 came out before the whole halo 2 swat did idk if it means anything but, its just my theory
I think SWAT is more of a faster rainbow six rather than COD4 because in rainbow six a headshot with any gun is a kill in one shot where in COD4 it usually takes 2-3 headshots depending on the gun. Also, COD and Halo were never really compared before Halo 3 and COD4 so you can't really say, "well one came first so the other copied," because honestly they didn't really care about each other untill now. They both emulate a more realistic style of gameplay that a lot of people seem to enjoy more and more because of the recent decline of the Quake and UT franchieses.
I replied to this late last night when you posted on I highly doubt them making a Swat playlist has anything to do with people liking CoD. You act as if CoD is the only realistic (in the fact that a few shots kills) game. Even still, I doubt back in Halo 2 Bungie was thinking they needed a CoD type of gametype. They probably realised though that some people do like the "realistic" types of gameplay (found in most FPS's, not just CoD) so they probably figured they'd include it for variation. Plus in CoD you still can't jump around like you can in Halo's Swat. If they were copying what people like in CoD than they would have changed the gravity so it would have been small jumps.
What are you talking about? It only takes one headshot with any gun. It's the head!!! Anyways, Halo 3 SWAT isn't exactly the same since there is 200% damage resistance. I would lower it to match COD4.
SWAT is even faster paced than CoD, I played CoD after playing SWAT and it felt like I had to shoot people forever to get them to die.