OK i made a mistake before and have taken action upon the two comments bellow. If some one can please post a golf style gamer type that people can use please the rules are as following: Be creative and have fun Make it look good Must be a golf map thank you...
They're called golf clubs, not posts. I kid. Serious post is serious now. Why 70% interlocked? That much interlocking would probably cause quite a bit of Z fighting and make it less aesthetically pleasing. Also, perhaps you could design a Golf Gametype for people to use so they know how their map should play.
Wouldn't it be impossible to make a gametype with golf clubs?...Meh unless they are at the start or at the spawn points.
a random thought on how to do the gametype, you could do VIP with destinations and increased gravity, the destinations spawn in order (hole to hole), the goal is set high off the ground so the only way to score is to get the golf ball in the hole and then jump up from the golf ball to the goal. high gravity, to make the golf ball necessary, invincibility, to avoid accendents, points for arriving at the goal, penalties for killing another player, to encourage people to play golf, not kill eachother with golf clubs. PS. Bonus points if you can make it so you have a caddy driving the golfer in a mongoose.
That sounds pretty cool. But wouldnt everybody just wait till one person gets the ball in the hole then jump ontop of it to get the points? For the caddy you could do something similar to rocket race. The Vip could be able to pick up weapons but set to passenger only. That way the 2nd person on the team would have to drive the Vip everywhere. You could also set the movement speed to say 50% so that the gold cart is needed to get around the map.
well, i guess if you reduce movement you could knock in the ball, then swing your hammer to force the other players away, then jump on the ball yourself to score, not quite golf but that is is the best multi player solution i see.