Tadadadaaahhhhh!!!! It's time to fish some sharks! but attention guys the shark want to kill u! The shark fall with the gost from a big rock in the water in the map there are many little rocks with sniper placed on the fishers must escape from the shark, take the sniper and kill it! (sorry for the english [i need a italian-english transletor]) It's a big view of the map The shark!! The fishers Ahhhhhhh the shark!! The fishing zone download the map Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details download the gametype Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
One extra pic is not worthy of a second post please do not double post it is annoying and will earn you a well deserved infraction next time please modify your original post also like i said before please tell us how to play the game its hard to understand how youre supposed to play what does the fisher do how does the shark kill the fisher pleasse give more details
you know it would have been a whole lot easier to have edited your first post rather than make a second post. oh and btw nice idea you have there.
sorry guys but it's the second post in this forum XD ok i give you more details the shark must splatter fishers to win fishers must kill the shark with the sniper placed on the rocks. it's simple but funny! ask me for more questions bye
Can you put more details about how to play in the thread and make it a bit longer so that I can understand what to do more. The concept looks good, although it is possible for people to escape the map just like the original sharks game on last resort.