This substance is highly explosive I'd better be careful Oh god These were originally serious screenshots taken by me. plz comment/rate
Not so good, the graphics look like Halo 2, there was no background (something...laboratory-like would do), and the last one was too blotchy and I couldn't really make out his armor. An explosion effect combined with the regenerator (I'm assuming), and the ODST being pushed forward would add a realistic and more dramatic effect. Sorry.
1. You clearly haven't played Halo 2 because the graphics look nothing like it 2. Even if they did, how would it be my fault? 3. Putting in a background would take out a lot of the "glowing effect" 4. I don't know about you but my copy of Halo 3 certainly didn't come with a laboratory. 5. Pic two is not the explosion, it's the explosion which is about to occur. 6. You're not supposed to see all of his armour. 7. Dramatic? This is supposed to be funny not artistic. 8. Did you even read the topic title? If you did you would have noticed the word funny.
You said they were originally serious screenshots. They look more like serious ones than funny ones to me. Still, what I said might make it better. You also said "plz comment/rate" which I did. Those were meant to be constructive. Also, by a laboratory setting, maybe the control room in The Pit, or somewhere similar.
To me it looks like you're just in the Crypt throwing around regenerators. The captions are the funniest thing about it, and they're not really that funny.
1. Fair enough, the graphics are different 2. Maybe use a different method to get hi-res screenshots 3. Uh... no it wouldn't 4. Try using cold storage 5. No, it's you throwing down the regenerator 6. Okayy... 7. EXACTLY, make it funny then. 8. Which would be why we expected something funny.
um i would give thoughs a 2.5/5 it was way to blurry and you should have had some type of back round also the camers angle wasnt so great on the second one
id give it a 1/5 im really sorry but they just had no point at all to them, they had no ligit effect to them and they were just unneeded (sorry).