In an interesting little game the other day, I played a Team BRs game on Orbital in which three guys had Recon. Yeah, it's petty, but hey, I like the armor. It was Mini Waz (who was the reason my team lost), B12y4n 51m0n, and IX ScArReD XI. I've also played with o Major Shock o and some of his Recon-totin' friends. They were jerks. But now that Mythic is out to the public, I doubt I'll be seeing nearly as much Recon in Team Mythic. Anybody ever played with a Bungie Employee? I haven't. Anyways, here are two pics I took: You're Mine. And to prove this story is true:
i dont see why this is such a big deal, i mean EVERYBODY has seen these kinds of pics and no offense to you specifically, but it is getting kind of annoying hearing people talking about how this guy has recon and how cool it is and it is getting really old...
LOL, you got owned. But ya I have played with recon peooplez before, I dont see why it is that big of a deal. But nice snipe I guess.
Srry m8 but they r rite. Just a footnote Miniwaz who ws in that game also has recon u shud hav gt a dubble snipe that wud b more impressive