Facility Ok, I decided to try to make a map from the ground up for SWAT. I'm very pleased with the result. Facility is a perfectly symmetrical Team Slayer map, optimized for SWAT. Overview Central Structure The Tunnel IMMA FIRIN' MAH CARBINE!!! Download Facility
Okay, well, the first thing that I can see is that its very nicely and cleanly made. It looks smooth, (Although i think it might look and play a bit better with a bit of geomerging.) and well forged. But then, I can instantly see a problem, Especially if it's made for swat, is that it is VERY open. In my opinion, it would be far to open for swat, as all it takes is one head-shot (Though you already know that.) And I think it would be so much better with more cover/structures. I hope you take in what i've said if you decide to make a v2, currently, i'm going to give it a 3/5 - If you want it higher from me, you're going to have to add more defense against bullets.
I'm definitely going to make a V2, but what should I Geo-Merge? And where do you think I should add more cover? On V2 I'll also make a non-SWAT version (with more weapons)
Well this is pretty cool but I think you have another case of tunnel overuse. Its really not too bad though. I think you should add something on the back side of the tunnels to give someone a reason to go back there. (like some kind of structure, or power weapon if you want to make it for more gametypes.) Really, you dont HAVE to geomerge. Thats not what makes a map. The only thing I would geomerge on this map is the tunnels. Push them down to get rid of the ramps. Even with the tube ramps, there is still that annoying bump when entering it. I think that would be cool and help your gameplay a little. If you had SWAT in mind, you better add a lot more cover. Its definitly too open for that. Did you test it? After you add cover, I would definitly make this for some more gametypes. CTF and assault could be fun on here if you work it right.