Ok this is an original map i made, it quickly became a favorite for all my friends as a great warm up map and a fun ffa/TS game map. it is a round, 4 base map equaly semetrical including perfect merging flat running serfaces with no bumps, pro-status respawns and absolutely no way outside the map(especially for a small style map) with a 3 story tower in the middle all bases leading to it, Sniper on top(2 shot rocket in ffa mode), Shotgun on bottom with a over shield in between, along with consistant br spawning. it has a pretty frantic but fun gameplay on ffa, the team slayer aspect works really well. try it and let me know what you think. The bird's eye showing the top mid(sniper/rockets(ffa)) a medium sized map with frantic but easily controlled gameplay with the 4 bases and perfect access to the top mid Now for the mid 3 story showing the top sniper/rocket(ffa), middle overshield room, and the bottom shotgun room(with access to the OS) Just some fighting me and a friend had on a 1 on 1 showing the play of the map Now take to the Octogon with a Frantic outstanding fights that will leave your thumbs tired and your Tactics put to the test, and enjoy the insanity that is .... The Equinox Download the FFA version here -- Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Download the Team Slayer version here --- Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
This is awesome! after downloading your santuary remake, temple, i had to see your other map, and all i have to say is ^.^ thank you, i now have the PERFECT warm up map its awesome for it all, no scope practice, BR games, KOTH would be great and just streight slayer in general. i look forward to more maps like this and to see more, o and btw i also downloaded that Collosus map and i have yet to play a full BTB on it but from what i see is you must be a pretty pro map designer because that is one of the most original BTB maps i have ever seen i would talk more but ya lol. well thanks for your map and i hope to get that add -xxdragonflyx
Looks like it could be a regular for my warmups - It reminds me of Halo 2's Desolation ( I forget the Halo 1 maps' Name). Have downloaded, will comment.
I think I was running around on this map with you last night and I have to say it is really awesome for warm ups and ffa's. The merging is very good and the layout is really cool. Probably plays good for KOTH too anyways. 5/5 Good Job bro.