Firefox would definitely come third on my list, it's all about works for you I suppose. You're a linux guy though... I suppose you don't have a huge choice of good browsers.
Firefox is my primary Internet browser for everything. Then I use Internet Explorer just in case something may fail with my Firefox. So... Firefox FTW!
I used to have Firefox at my college, and I loved it. It was super fast. My favorite, though, is Safari. It is just as fast as Firefox, and you can easily delete history
hellz ya brother =) when it comes down to it... safari and firefox are incredibly similar... except that safari 4 has tabs on the very top of the screen to conserve space now
ya, I suppose... firefox is popular either way when you get down to it, most internet browsers have the same abilities anyway... except for IE which just sucks
It's Safari for me, it's the most reliable browser in my opinion and when it's as good as it is I don't see any need in installing Firefox or any other browser seeing as it's preinstalled on every Mac.
IE was good during the IE-Netscape wars. Then Netscape got sensible, went Open Source, renamed to Mozilla, and is now kicking IE's ass.
Firefox for me. It just has so many useful applications and themes to run. It's also fast and there's nothing complicated about it. Haven't tried Opera or Safari yet, but I'm sure they're a hell of a lot better than IE.
I use google chrome. It takes up practically no space, it's fast, it looks god, it's easier to use, and it still has all the features of other browsers, with more added, searching is also a hell of a lot easier and faster. I heavily recommend you download it.
Safari 4 beta for me as well. Firefox isn't very fast on a mac, and very bloated. It's very fast on windows though
Camino on my Mac and somtimes Firefox. Chrome is the most secure browser for Windows. When they come out with the Mac version Ill try it.
Google Chrome is the fastest browser out there as of now...I used to use IE but then I was shown GC and the speed differences is like 40x...and the difference from FF to GC is like 20x it has a lot of the similar features the other browsers have but its compact so its fast and easy to use
I use Firefox. It works better on most sites compared to Chrome, which I used to use until I found out that it can't use plugins. So my #2 browser is Chrome, but Firefox is #1.