Millenia Map Discription: This map is a competitive map made by Berkgina, with some help from spazmonkey92. The main game type for this map would be CTF, but it also plays well as a Team Slayer map but make sure you put your primary weapon as a BR. As you can see the top of the map is very open this is because its the faster route, thats why you also have the choice of the tunnels which is alot safer but will cost you some time, so think stratigicly dont ever go out alone. Weapons List: - 6 x BR (you spawn with a BR so dont worrie) - 2 x Sniper - 4 x SMG - 2 x Brute Shot - 1 x Rocket Lancher - 2 x Carbine - 2 x Mauler - 2 x Machine Gun Turret Video of the map: Pictures: Overview Download Millenia Download Milenia Flag
it looks pretty good, although i think it could probably be touched up in some places so it looks better. My suggestion though would be to add some cover on the top of the tubes, it doesnt have to be much, but just enough so people dont get shot at from across the map everywhere they go up there.
Hello, I'm here to review your map. So at first glance I was... "WOW" The map looks incredibly beautiful and well thought out. But as I took closer looks at the pictures I noticed some flaws. Now, the map looks and even has an aura that it will play nicely in any two teamed battles. The center piece looks and was intended to be the centerpiece of not only visual pleasure but also the core of the action. The map is divided into two paths as I can see. The tunnels which are just as safe as the surface. Which basically means no where is safe. Now the beauty is replaced quickly as you look closely at the flaws. There is a lack of interlocking and some objects are not aligned. To add more fuel to the fire, there were some mistakes that could have easily been fixed and make the map ever so slightly one sided. The turrets should have been located off the base in my opinion, this forces the team that had the turret destroyed first to retreat into the tunnels. It also makes the rocket launcher a very dangerous weapon to retrieve and may end up getting you more deaths then kills. Then there are the SMG's which in my opinion should be replaced, because they are close ranged weapons and the entire map is mainly medium to long range. But besides that there is only the sniper issues, which is easily solved by the tunnels. What I do like is the tunnels, and the fact that you have access from above which greatly reduces the amount of time to reach the second base. I can see plenty of action over the entire center and the hole which was left either intentionally or because of laziness is the absolute masterpiece for the centerpiece. The invisibility orbs also allow for stealthy access to the enemy base and confusion since if you are standing over the tunnels the enemy would be completely confused. In my opinion I would rate the map a 4/5 -SMG's are not compatible, and the turrets seem to make the top path inaccessible. -Interlocking is only slightly messy. But you do deserve a 5/5 -SMG's and the Turrets are easily out classed depending on game type, and considering their are sniper guns. -Interlocking is not big deal unless you are a perfectionist. ~RadiantRain If you would like a review such as this, message me.
this looks pretty good, the layout of the tunnels and towers is cool, and the aesthetics are great, will be downloading this because it looks FUN good job 4.5/5
radiant rain thank you for the great review, i will be makings a v2 of this map because me and my friends reallly enjoyed it. i knew there were some flaws but i also knew that i was going to make a v2 so i just wanted to see what people thought befor i started making the v2. so thx alot youve been a big help. radiant rain if i can ask what parts need the most cleaning up? a;sp my friend suggested that this map could use just a little bit more floor and some interesting asthetics. does anybody else agree on that because i want to know if it would ruin my map or not. dont worry i do have enough money to buind some more so please throw out some suggestions like radiant rain
Okay, this isnt bad. Tunnels are cool, but you over used them way too much IMO. I mean if you have a massively long tunnel on both sides, and someone is running the flag through one, the other team could go crazy lookin for the flag carrier. I would definitly do something about that. The upper level looks good but it seems a little open on the sides. I like the side by side tunnels in front of the flag but the real long ones are fail. Sorry to sound harsh, Im just letting you know my opinion to help you. Take it or leave it.
There are few flaws for this map... But these are my suggestions, add only a little bit more cover on the top, it should still be a dangerous path, but not a death zone. I would also suggest you put the Invisibility orbs on there respective bases so that each team can almost be guaranteed to get at least one. My final suggestion which you may not really reconsider considering the work that will be have to put into it. But you should straighten the entire tunnel complex. In picture 3 I can see that they are not aligned, but this is a very small flaw and would require too much work. So I suggest you don''t worry yourself too much, and if anyone tells you to fix it, then tell them it would take to much work. If you make any other maps you may want to message me for a similar review such as my earlier one.
The colored orbs don't match the blocks at each base, they're reversed. That wasn't intentional, was it? I personally would like to see some kind of barrier lining the edges of the ramp-like structures in this picture, but that's a matter of preference. It also looks very deadly in the entire area between each base that isn't inside of a tunnel. A bit more cover would be a good idea, although the openness of the rocket launcher spawn is a nice touch. Overall, it's quite a nice map.
a few of my friends had suggested the same thing and i did take it into consideration but the whole point of the top being massivly open is because its a much quicker route than the tunnels. but i will add a little bit more cover to the top because it is a bit drastic. also where might i want to put my turrets?. im going to keep that stricture there for sniping but i thought radiantrain had a point when he said if one gets taken out then the other team will control the top. so i have to position them further away so the snipers can take them out but not too far so there is some usage, any suggestions?
this was an awesome map to help with, i prefer staying on the top floor because the better weapons are there and its easier to control, while the flag runner goes under, into the tunnels
This just has to be said - It looks amazing! I think the most eyecatching piece would have to be the tunnels, however, it looks good allround, and I think that it would be a great map to play CTF on. ( Is it set up for assault aswell? ) If it was possible, I would have downloaded it by now and I would be playing it at this moment, however, I don't actually have my xbox as I'm on holiday right now. (Yeah I know, why am I on a computer when I'm on holiday ? - Don't ask.) So, anyways, at the moment I can only look at the pictures and watch the video, so I can't really give a proper review. I can't really see anything that's so important that needs to be improved, however, I do agree with RadiantRain about the Active Camo, I think there should be two on the map instead of just the one. ( I think that there would be a rush for it at a certain point of the game, when really the players should be more worried about the flag. ) From what I can see it looks like there is plenty of different routes a flag carrier can take to get back to base, which is definately a plus. And it looks like the weapons are quite evenly spread out and distributed. So well done on that. Without being able to play on the actual map, I think i'm able to say this is an easy 5/5. Of course I havn't played a game on it yet, ( I definately will when I get back off my holidays. ) But I don't think my decision will change because of that. Well done on the map, I'm looking forward to seeing more maps from you. =]
Am I the only one who's bothered the red columns are at the blue base and the blue columns at the red? Ahahah it's not important it's just weird no one has mentioned it. Anyway as for the map I cannot give a full review until I actually get a game on it so consider it done. As for flaws noticed before I play, (Note this could all be wrong since pictures can be deceiving) It seems to me there is not enough cover around the top area. I mean it can't be heavily fortified and contain the power weapon, but it's gotta have some sort of cover and I didn't catch any. The hole below the rockets isn't a bad idea, but I don't know how it would work in game play. In one of my older maps I noticed if there is the slightest bump anywhere near the hole, people go right into it thinking they were going to jump a second later. If there are no bumps, then there is no problem though. The turrets seem well-placed although slightly overpowered and I think would make game play interesting since it would be a good place to be, but someone comes behind you and it's game over. Hmm..Anyway so far so good man I hope I like the map even more when I get a couple games on it. Be back soon bud. Rating without playing: 4/5 - Reasoning: I feel like there is lack of cover on high ground and I would continuously be glancing down to make sure I'm not gonna fall.
sry when i was testing the game i noticed that the blue people spawned at the red base and the red's at the blues, so i just changed the lights and forgot about the columns so thx for that. do you have any suggestions where the turrets could be moved to because radiant rain said that whoever wins the turret fight then they basically control the top and will get the rockets. so any suggestions? im going to be adding a little bit more floor but i am going to be keeping the hole below the rockets because it makes the game more interesthing, and i will be addin cover