Ancient Prisons by x MuG x Sh07 x Story The ancient underground prisons of Sandbox is filled with a functional jail, theatre, and store. Its been controlled by the leader(s) of the town also know as cops. You are either a cop or a robber, robbers have entered the city to terrorize the place, its the cops job to keep them under control. But hold on, the robbers are lethal, they can slice you in the back with their ninja skills. Robbers job is to stay alive for as long as 6 minutes or assasinate the cop. THere are active camos placed all around the city to help your attempt at killing the cops, so use them wisely. Have fun and Good Luck! COPS AND ROBBERS! Map Download: Ancient Prisons Gametype: Ancient Cops Now to the Pictures Robbers entrance to City Cops Waiting and attacking point Overview Store next to robber entrance(has active camo) Inside store Theatre (has active camo) Inside Theatre Prison(has teledoor) Inside Jail Door Looking at cells Upstairs To your left showers the Sauna(theres a way out) Lunch Tables (eat up) nothing Outside 2 way node (cops only) maybe...... Leads inside cops office I hope you like the map, DOWNLOAD! MAP: Ancient Prison GAMTYPE: Ancient Cops Wanna see this map featured for creativity! Click the link and SUGGEST IT!: WANNA SEE THIS MAP FEATURED?
Nice map it looks like a really fun map to play cops and robbers. Any way i like the big screen in it. fun map it dont look like much from the pictures but it still looks fun.
This map looks awsome! I have already downloaded it. It's really fun, but the robbers entrance could be a little more creative. There could be like a wall that the robbers enter through. Good map tjough
another cops and robbers map.... Well hey ill give it to you, This map is very clean. you interlocked just about everything, your ideas are clever and orignal, and you got good taste in geting cops and roobers maps right. The big problom here is that im not a cops and robber fan, so i wont DL but based on that map, its a thumbs up from me!
wow, another map bro, looks good ima d'l and check it out. i also like the theatre big screen. only 1 thing i dont understand, do the robbers spawn in jail or outside already?
The robbers spawn in the blue light place(entrance to city). I did it like that because , i think its boring to have to listen to cops and waiting inside cell.DO you agree? Well, anyways thanks for the positive reviews guys
It's spelled S-A-U-N-A and since when do prisons have one? Must be a prison for politicians... Interesting map and layout. Cops and Robbers is one of the dullest games I know of... that and Teacher. Sorry, but I'll save my download for something more interesting. i'm not one for taking orders from a little kid with a high pitched voice. I'd rather stick a BR down his throat. Give me a real infection game to play. Gave you a 3/5... decent map, but extremely poor choice in game type. You lost points for choosing C&R.
I'm personaly sick of Cop & Robber gametypes but this one looks absolutely fantastic! Excellent geometry and attention to detail!
thanks guys and there is probably a change with the weapons, you could use your own gametype, but if something is wrong and you dont like it, its probably because of your gametype but thats ok though. Oh and shrooms, I'll change the spelling.