Catacombs Spwee1494 and killerdodo33 Supported Gametypes: Infection (plan on adding Team Slayer and CTF if possible) Map Description Catacombs is a map built in the underbelly of Sandbox. It starts out on top, but once you enter, you'll never leave...alive! You have to go to the center building after spawning and break the pallet to enter the Catacombs. Underneath, are 3 bases, each pretty balanced in terms of weapons. This map is designed to have a different feel and play everytime, similar to Left 4 Dead's gameplay without reaching a safehouse. The map is designed so zombies spawn in the tube to the crypt itself, but prevents spawn-camping, as well as players camping the initial outdoor spawn. The map idea is a family tomb of a lost race. There is leftovers of a human campsite below the surface, but why did they leave so abruptly? Or maybe...maybe they never left at all! Starting spawn area for humans/zombies Entrance to crypt below Overview (mostly) of area below "Leftover" human base Burial house/prayer room, built overtop of graves Center Base inside burial house Most of the "leftover" base Most of the inner center base Let me know what everyone thinks. This my first time ever even attempting merging/interlocking and thus, not everything is. This is also only my second map. If anyone sees any room for improvement, or thinks they can do it better, i would love some help in fixing up any errors. Download Catacombs Download Catacombs Gametype
Hey dude looks good. I saw the first pic and i thought wow? is that it. I almost left but i scrolled down. not bad not bad. Looks like a fun infection map!
lol, that's what a few people thought when i was first play-testing online! Very important part of the map though
Looks a little sloppy in a couple places, but the idea looks kinda cool. It might be nice to have a better description of the map, I have no idea what you're supposed to do on it.
The first thing I have to say about this map- It looks awesome, I have to say this is one of the best infection maps i've seen on sandbox- I say see because i havn't had a chance to play it yet, and won't be able to play it until i get back off my holiday. It looks like you've spent quite a while on this map, i can see that because of how cleanly the structures look. I have one question though- Where do the zombies spawn compared to humans? Because I don't see an explanation of that on the thread, and I've checked twice. I'm giving this a 4/5 - I'll give it a more thorough review for the gameplay after I've played it - You've got my download.
The map is designed so zombies spawn in the tube to the crypt itself, but prevents spawn-camping, as well as players camping the initial outdoor spawn. ^ it was in my description
Ah, okay, I see now, thanks for clearing that up with me. I've just looked at your picture commentry over again, and noticed you said that one of the main buildings was made over a burial mound. Before I say anything else - Are you thinking of making a version 2? Because I have a few good ideas for you if you are that I think would make the map a bit better. ( Not to say that that it isn't already brilliant =] )
i was certainly considering this either leave them here or pm them i guess unless you meant you wanted to do it on live...
I was just waiting for you to come back online, I'll send you it in a PM, give me 5 minutes to write it up. =]
thanks bud id still love to get some feedback on the gameplay aspects of my map, so i know what i'll want to fix for v1.5/2