LAST STAND MAP PACK Well, a few weeks ago you guys voted and told me I needed to post these maps, for some reason one the of the three maps became corrupt but the other two are fine... and now their being released.... to YOU! The Last Stand Map Pack is a 2 map map pack. (<--- lots of maps and packs in one sentence) These maps arent of my brightest quality but I did make them quite a while ago... and the maps are kind of supposed to look like crap... to fit the aesthetics of the theme, a broken down city after a zombie invasion. The maps included are: Last Stand (6/18/08) Last Stand 2 (10/26/08) Keep in mind Last Stand 2 isn't a v2... its a reimagination of the original map... a spiritual succesor of sorts... Heres the premise of the game... Humans start with SMGs, which don't do crap and much scavange the destroyed city to find ammo and survive as long as they can... Zombies can only die by headshots and slowly creep towards the humans, in hopes that they'll run out of ammo. Now I bet your asking... "Ya, but couldn't humans just camp a BR spawn, lol you fail 0.000001/5". To asnwer your question, NO AMMO RESPAWNS... once you use it, it's gone... so, you must work together, conserve ammo, and pray to jesus that the zombies don't know you have one clip left... the only way to get points is to be the last man standing... which is worth 5 points... otherwise anyone whos a human everytime will win everytime... PICTURES Now, keep in mind that these maps were made a LOOOOONG time ago, so some parts of the maps are of crappy quality but they work fine... LAST STAND: Overview 1 Overview 2 Building 1 Building 2 Building 3 Building 4 Open Area LAST STAND 2: Overview 1 Overview 2 Building 1 Building 2 Building 3 Building 4 Fort 1 Fort 2 Open Area DOWNLOADS Last Stand Last Stand 2 G.R. Zombie (Gametype) Quick Thanks: All my friends that have helped me test this over and over and over again. Havik 1988 for making the original G.R. Zombie Gametype ShikazePrime for making weapon spawns on Last Stand 2 Have Fun!
A question on the game type, if you can only score points by being the last man standing wouldn't that encourage betrayal among the humans? or is there a penalty for killing your allies that in the end is worse then -5 points?
betrayal is disabled... i knwo i said i tried to make it as realistic as possible, but i didn't want that to happen... also side note: anyone who asks for a weapon list shall be de-intestined (if thats a word) your supposed to find the weapons... even though they really arent hidden.
I prefer teh first map over the second map, but they're both really good. I like the smalllittle cmaping spot in front of the fence with the shotguns, but i also like the numerous buildings in the second one. Also I like the fence design in the first one. My other big favorite about this amp is that you made it look war-torn, but at the same time it doesn't look messy. Some maps, people place objects to make the map look destroyed, but then it ends up looking messy. Overall both maps are very nice. 5/5
Nice map! My friend linked this map to me cause I just love zombie survival type maps! And man is this a great one! I wish I had such incredible skill at manipulating the lady that is known as Forge. Good Job! 12/10 CITY 14 FTW!!
thank you, even though i disagree 2 is WAAAAAAAAAY better, and believe it or not the "trash" on these maps is puproseful and startegically placed. lol thanks buddy, i tried to make it more of a survival game than a FIREFIREFIREFIREFIRE! oh okay hes dead nao... OHNO! RESPAWN! FIREFIREFIREFIREFIRE! type game... more strategic PS Forgot to mention in OP but you can't use the vehicles they are purely aesthetic
Pretty good, i heart zombies ^^ maybee a little more upstairs downstairs stuff for the hell of it tho
i like both of them but i pefare 2 even though these style maps are very un-origional and their isent much interlocking but this can hold many fun games and it proves that maps dont need interlocking to be good
how is this unoriginal? i havent seen another post like this... and yea, you don't need interlox to be fun but it does add a coolness factor
Did you even read my post? I said it was meant to look crappy, to give the whole 'broken down' feel to the town. It helps set the zombie mood! Please don't post on a map unless, A. you've read the whole post and understand the map, B. have downloaded it and played on, or C. both.
Sorry Arvas, but this has been done many times. The idea of a town/urban environment only works when the area is very dense and 'buildings' loom over you. In this map, it seems that you just made a few small buildings, then filled the empty space with some random crap. People like to make them because they are easy to make and their design does not need to be pre-planned. you can just load up a map, then start from scratch with no prior thought put into how it'll look. I fear that this is what enticed you to make this map pack. There are many better examples of 'urban' maps out there I'm afraid. Not the worst attempt at an urban map (at least you interlocked), but definitely a typical example of a map of this type.
I personally have never seen another map like mine, maybe one that tries to be a city but never one that combines the city environment with a gametype that requires teamwork and commuinication as much as this one. Most of the time I do start with just a very basic idea and let the map make itself, in this one though I had to really think out the map because of the gametype, and what made me make this map was about 12 hours of Last Stand and Havik's G.R. Zombie Gametype. I hope you read about the gametype, because from what I've read, it doesn't seem like you have, otherwise you might have commented on its competetive nature. This in addition to the map makes for some really fun matches....
Type in 'Halo 3 infection' on youtube. I guarantee that most of the maps are broken down city maps. And when people say you should interlock, I think they mean on buildings not the map in general because it makes the buildings more realistic as opposed to seeing a gigantic verticle crack in the side. Other than that, good map. Looks fun for epic Lol's