I know that there are a few maps out that are MLG rules on sandbox, but does anyone know of any official MLG maps? I know they have to have the map pack, bungie gave them out to everyone remotely associated with halo and mlg tested all three. Another thing is that i was really looking forward to having another ball map for MLG because of the skybubble. Ever since they took blackout out of the playlist its been just guardian which gets boring. But unfortenately everything that was gained by the skybubble for oddballl was taken away when they made it to where the oddball could drop and survive on the ground level, meaning that it will take the full reset amount of time to respawn, instead of the 5 seconds it took on guardian and blackout. So i guess that means the sandbox MLG variant will probably be in the crypt. What do you guys think?
MLG Ball on Sandbox might not work. I heard (Haven't tested it, I don't have the MMP) that the ball doesn't 'play' if you drop it, and you have to wait for it to reset.
Can you give an explanation for that? I don't see a reason why they can't. They pulled it off in Foundry, which is actually a more controversial map than Sandbox because of it's asymmetric textures (i.e. the vacuum cleaner) As for oddball, it might take little longer with the recent release of Lockdown 6.1.
Back on Topic: It took them a couple months to release maps on Foundry, just be patient, they will come.
There are some good ones but no official ones. If your looking for a really good sandbox MLG map check out Cynosure. It is a really good assym in the sky bubble made by Pulsekiller. And just an fyi there is a way to work oddball on sandbox. Using a 10 second reset time is being used for the moment by most because it is basically like a play ball and 10 seconds allows for the ball guy to drop it and support while still being able to pick it back up As for MLG sandbox variants either the crypt or the skybubble will be used. The middle doesnt work well and I see the skybubble being used for some good slayer maps and maybe ball maps if MLG decides to use the 10 second ball reset variant that is most widely accepted within the MLG community
you think they coulda put a huge hole in the floor somewhere outside of normal playing area so if dropped it would play ball but bungies not that smart
well to the guy that said ball wouldnt work coz u cant playball thats not true at all..im sure if you built a map in the sky bubble and used that for ball u can play it just aswell as u would on gaurdian. and as for mlg as a whole not working on sandbox...why the hell not??
Cynosure has it's own gametype called Cynoball I think, the ball reset time is set very low to get rid of the sky bubble ball problem. As far as Sanbox MLG maps in general go, I can also recommend Cryptoline. It's real strength is CTF in my opinion, but I think it plays Ball as well, you just have to download a different version.