if there was ever a better remake of santuary i would like to see it, i did give it a little halo 3 twist adding a regen and a bubble sheld room under the carbine spawns, it works well the sword room ramps took me a while but this map works on all levels. The entire map is flush no unnessisary bumps pefect merges, all wepons are equal to that of the original sanctuary excluding magnums all respawns are similar i also have my own ffa and flag styles if anybody wants This is the overview it basicly mirrors that of the original santuary excluding minor details And how could I forget, The middle sword room, WITH the round stairs done the best i have seen yet Now here's everybodys favorite spot, the sniper tower, including the carbine tower halo 3 remix Here is the side view of carbine tower with a view inside the equipment room(bottom floor) from the rock corner Now GO, PLAY, KILL, ENJOY!!! download the team slayer version here --- Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details download the free for all version here --- Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details download the capture the flag version here --- Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Why did you post the same thing twice when you could have just edited your old post? Also I believe this was stated in your old post that you needed pictures of your map which if you don't know how to follow the link in my signature. You have 24 hours to fix your post up to standards before it gets locked.
wow this has to be one of the best versions of santuary i have played so far, my friends loved it and we had so much fun, if you are making any other remakes or maps please let me know. add my tag its xxdragonflyx i hope to see more soon
Nice remake bro it looks so pro. I played a 4v4 last night, me and my friends had a blast it was really fun. Nice merging and all 4.9/5.