Please have a try and leave some feedback I posted it on but not much people will try it and I need it tested. Please try it. I have not made a game type for this but make sure to set gravity to 200%. Heres a description: Arena is a close combat map made by me and cardboardboxes, 2 power weapons on this map are the shotgun and gravity hammer, both that can dominate the map. Boxed in by conatiners and surrounded by boxes and containers you fight in close quarters using boxes and barricade as cover. All weapons other than the hammer and shotgun are symetrical, the weapons on the map are 4 battle rifles, 2 on both sides, and 4 spikers, 2 on both sides as well and the hammer and shotgun. This is recommended for slayer games, objective games are not recommended because this was made for slayer.
This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too! Testing goes in Forge Discussion under Map Testing im pretty sure it's spelled where and 2 weapons that control the map r not good, u want it to b equal
You will need to embed pictures, and add a more detailed description. That is if you want this thread not to be locked. Read the topic at the top of this forum titled "how to post a map - Read before posting" It will tell you how to do it. I suggest you be quick about it.