Getting Xbox Live

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Destroyer10000, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. Destroyer10000

    Destroyer10000 Ancient
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    My dad won't let me get xbox live, and I need your guys' help to get it. Baisically in my family my dad is hitler and the xbox 360 logo is the star of david. He thinks that theres already enough problems with my 360 (fighting with my little bro, not turning it off when he asks, Im usually late for dinner bcuz of it) and he thinks live will only make these problems worse and make more problems. Im looking for a way to connect to live without him knowing. Ive already thought of using his modem, but he cant know (and believe me he'll know). wireless, he'll still know. I can't use another router, bcuz hes on this shitty telus plan where there can be only one router used at a time in my house. I know this sounds hopeless, but I need anything that I might have missed. Sorry for spilling my guts to you guys, but I really want to hook up with some people here and make some kick ass maps. hope you guys have some good suggestions.
  2. The3vilCow

    The3vilCow Ancient
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    um...well there's nothing really you can do if your dad is like that... maybe don't fight with your brother, be on time for dinner, and turn it off when he asks for a year or maybe less, (in other words, just listen to your dad) and then he will be okay with the 360...
  3. Gamekilla1

    Gamekilla1 Ancient
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    Well, Xbox live does make those things worse, hate to say it. Luckily my parents let me get it if I pay for it and do "Voulintary chores" such as clean the house, or mow the law without them asking.
  4. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Drink and smoke weed.

    If they see you doing drugs and ask for an explanation say "Better for me to play xbox live at home then outside smokin."
  5. Destroyer10000

    Destroyer10000 Ancient
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    dude, I already tried that. Didn't work. thanks though : )
  6. KRONOS117

    KRONOS117 Ancient
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    hack ur neighbors wifi its not hard if they have it if not ur sol
  7. Keegano

    Keegano Ancient
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    just suck up to him alot and what not then maybe u will get it!
  8. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Even if you find someway to connect to the internet then you have to register for live which involves a Credit Card which I doubt you own your own. Good luck to ya though. All I can say is suck up as much as possible! Clean the house, do dishes, and all that. It will kill you but it will be worth Live! Good Luck Padawan!
  9. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    Shoot him.


    About stealing other peoples wifi, I think that is what my friend does.

    Although, because he lives very close to me, I am hoping its not mine. He says he is using one named 'linksys', which is the same as mine, but it is also the default for most.
    #9 the other dark, Apr 1, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2008
  10. Ty

    Ty Guest

    My LIVE was registered without a credit card. Best thing to do is try and get connected to someone else's wireless network. Good luck with that though.
  11. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Really Ty? I didnt know how you could get by without a card. Oh Well.
  12. El Capitaine

    El Capitaine Ancient
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    On the original Xbox, a credit card was required regardless of which method is used to pay.

    However, on 360, a Silver account can be made for free, without a credit card, and can be upgraded to gold through the use of pre-paid gold membership cards, which are the same price as paying through CC.
  13. Soggydoughnuts

    Soggydoughnuts Ancient
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    I dunno sounds like a lose lose situation. Sorry about that man.

  14. Ryuuketsu

    Ryuuketsu Ancient
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    You can also get a friend who has Live, set up your account on their xbox, then go to their house a lot and play, until you have to go home. That's what my friend does.
  15. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I don't recommend getting it without his knowledge. If he figures out, which he most likely will, your situation will be much worse because he will lose trust in you.

    His reasons for not letting you get live are justified because it only gets worse with live. If he never ends up letting you get live, you will thank him later because there are more important things than gaming, even though I hope you get it because it makes the gaming experience that much better. I rarely gamed before I got live, but once I got it, I played to a point close to addiction (I was mentally unstable without it. Sad as that may seem. If I wasn't playing, I was thinking about it). That was a brief time period, but anyway, if you get it, keep limitations on how much you play.

    To get it, the only thing I can really tell you is to quit playing Xbox all together for a time period. I think that if you never played at home (thus preventing your arguments with your brother, being late to dinner, etc.), tried to appreciate your folk more for what they are doing for you (they obviously care about if they won't let you get it), work hard in school, and get active in something. Helping out around the house on your own and quitting Xbox should put you at good terms with your family (your brother gets to play, and your parents don't have to always tell you to do a chore). Making good grades should help (as long as you keep them up when/if you get live). If you get live, you should only play on weekends because if those good grades you work hard to make slip once you get live, you are in trouble. If your parents can see you can get active in something (sport, community service, reading, etc.), it will help your case of getting live because it will show that you won't play non-stop in your free time once you get live.

    All in all, I would sacrifice playing Xbox for a time because it will be that much better once you get live (assuming you want it that bad), and you will get a rewarding feeling for earning live, which will make it that much more sweeter once you get it. Listen to your parents.

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