I know that many people drop spawn weapons on maps, typically power weapons, so I was wondering what the purpose was. Can someone help?
so that if I'm carrying around a Rocket launcher that spawns with 0 extra clips I can't just wait 60 seconds and pic up more ammo, I have to drop the rocket for the new one to spawn.
The item's spawn point is elevated, so it falls and begins a respawn timer, such as fusion coils and crates, but with guns. With drop spawn weapons, they act as the Halo 1 spawn, where if it is set on a 30 second spawn time, then it will respawn every 30 seconds, even if nobody touches it. It gives the map a more professional feel in my opinion
That is completely wrong, when something is on a drop spawn it is like ^ he said makes it more professional and when in MLG, which it is almost always used in, it is so you can use the game timer to time the spawns to get them before the other team does.
It's a technique most notably used in MLG, and the reasoning is all to do with weapon respawn times. If you place a weapon normally, it's respawn counter (eg. 30 seconds if it is set to 30s respawn in Forge) will only start once it is picked up. The reason for this is that weapon respawn count downs only start once the weapon is a) picked up or b) moved in any way from it's set spawn position. The purpose of Drop Spawning is to stop this being the case, by having the weapon move from it's set respawn point the instant that it spawns, by making it fall a short distance to the floor. The practical effect of this is basically that weapons (power weapons really, hence this technique really only being used for power weapons) are alot easier to time as a player. This is best illustrated by an example: Imagine 2 versions of The Pit, one where the rocket launcher spawns normally and one it drop spawns. On the one where the rocket launcher spawns normally, it spawns at the start of the game, and they are picked up as the players rush rockets. 3 minutes later, they spawn once again, but they are not picked up immediately. When a player walks into rocket tunnel and sees that they are gone, he has no way of knowing when they will respawn again because it depends on when they were picked up last, which he doesn't know, and this is when the 3 minute respawn timer started. On the drop spawn map, the same thing happens at the beginning. Rockets are taken in the initial battle, and both teams know when they were picked up, even if they are the team who didn't get them. Again, they respawn 3 minutes later, and again they are not picked up straight away, if players are on the ball they will have known that the rockets respawned after the 3 minutes, but no one has grabbed them because everyone is being drawn to other battles etc. Again, a player walks into rocket tunnel a little later and sees the rocket launcher gone, and again has no idea when they were picked up after they respawned. BUT, this no longer matters, he still knows when they will respawn even though he didn't see when they were taken. This is because drop spawns cause the weapon respawn timer to start again the instant the weapon respawns by having it drop, thus moving it off it's set spawn position. Basically, the rocket launcher will spawn every 3 minutes regardless of when it is picked up, or even if it isn't picked up at all (although if you can find me an MLG game where rockets spawn and no one picks them up for 3 minutes, meaning another one spawns and lands on top of the first one, then I would be very impressed, or rather very sad....). Hope this helps, it was something I didn't really get until it was explained to me exactly how the respawn timer worked in Halo 3. EDIT: All this ^...or just what XxSpix said....
Thanks for the informative info Pegasi, I actually had not learned the teq. yet and the way you presented it was very good. Overall very very helpful. Thanks.
As a small side note, typically, only power weapons like the Sniper, Rockets, and Mauler are set to drop spawn on MLG maps.