Sandbox Purgatory

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Vice671, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. Vice671

    Vice671 Ancient
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    Here is my rendition of Sanctuary from Halo 2. It is as accurate as I could make it under a budget and I hope you feel a sense of nostalgia while playing this map. The main difference with this map is that it has a much darker feel. This map was made for the forgotten treasures contest and is my first remake. Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.

    EDIT: Thanks guys for all the suggestions. I will definitely take a look at trying to address them and come out with a second version that hopefully everyone will be happy with. So please, keep up with the suggestions, they are greatly appreciated.

    Gametypes: Slayer and Capture the flag

    Important: I have not completely tested the spawning system. Please give feed back on any problems. Also, Capture the Flag spawns might be screwed up because I have reached the object limit (not budget) on this map. I cannot add anymore spawns.

    Click here to download this map







    Click here to download this map
    #1 Vice671, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  2. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
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    would have to say the kill ball would be very bright but nice job 4.75/5
  3. Blazeinator

    Blazeinator Ancient
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    Looks very promising, and a fairly faithful remake. Good job, I give it a 5/5. Maybe it might be worth deleting a few of the cover pieces just to make it work properly for CTF. Good work.
  4. kirijava

    kirijava Ancient
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    looks good, im not so fond of the effects but i used to like this map for BRs. I'll give it a 4/5 for the remake quality. I'll download and reply again with any improvements it might need.
  5. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    it's been a while since i last played sanctuary, but from what i remember this looks like one hell-uv-a remake.
    good job

    Gasp: what ho? spikers in a halo2 map remake, well i never
  6. Mr Glove Eater

    Mr Glove Eater Ancient
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    Wow this is a gosh-darned good remake. Right down to the little random blocks of cover! (I loved sanctuary)
  7. An UrgeTo Dance

    An UrgeTo Dance Ancient
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    This looks like pretty good forge and remake but i was wondering can u actually kill your self with the killball. il dl
    #7 An UrgeTo Dance, Apr 15, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2009
  8. x Paralyze x

    x Paralyze x Ancient
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    This looks like a good remake of Sanctuary, however, i see the killball's brightness as a sort of interference in gameplay. Good layout though. 4.5/5.
  9. katix88

    katix88 Ancient
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    i really enjoyed this remake, one of the better ones out there.
  10. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    This remake is the best Sanctuary remake I've seen so far, but my only gripe is the Kill Ball up at the top. It's kinda bright, and I think it distracts from the rest of the level.

    Other than that, I think it's an awesome map, and you get a 4/5 from me.
  11. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    Seems good. I'll download and see if its better than Exult.
    By the way, I'm not a big fan of the Kil ball. It deas an annoying sound.
  12. Zuiu

    Zuiu Ancient
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    Wow, great map. I'm pretty certain that this is the best sanctuary currently out there. I don't usually comment on the maps I try, but I really enjoy this map. Sanctuary was and is still my all time favorite map and I think that you did a good job at remaking it with only the slightest noticeable differences. Good job man!!!
  13. A27 STARWOLF

    A27 STARWOLF Ancient
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    I am looking forward to this map, it looks like the best sanctuary remake yet, however I think you should go with juicy, it looks more like halo 2.
  14. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    This is definitly the best Sanctuary remake I have seen yet. It seems to be the most accurate. The middle room looks a little smaller or cramped, but not too bad. IMO, I would definitly lose the killball and the effects. I know effects are cool and all but without it, thats one less item towards the limit, and the original Sanctuary was not this dark. So taking out the filter would look more real. One more thing, this looks slightly breakable, which really doesnt bother me, but alot of people will cry and moan about this, but you might not want to worry about it with the item limit at hand. You definitly need to make CTF work on here. Its like mandatory for Sanctuary, I wish Halo 3 had Nuetral flag. Other than those few tiny problems, great friggin job. Best Sanctuary remake yet.

    Oh yeah, how accurate are the weapons? put in a list to let us know please.
  15. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    I dont know, its more accurate than Exult, but I didnt like the fact that wasnt done in the Crypt.
    I still think that better Sanctuary and Warlock remakes can be made. Also, peaple are using so many diferent objects of the sandbox, that they forget that they can do better and with less objects by interlocking.

    I think I'll try one remake myself.
  16. iikiN

    iikiN Ancient
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    if someone interlocks this map, fixes where it's broken, and gets rid of the effects it'd be close to perfect
    #16 iikiN, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  17. Zeta Arcadee

    Zeta Arcadee Ancient
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    A very nice remake, one of the better ones I've seen. Not a fan of the effects or kill-ball though. You should submit this into Bungie's ATLAS.
  18. MasterChief2829

    MasterChief2829 Ancient
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    ^ It's easily breachable, it won't make Atlas.

    I say get rid of the filters and killball...
  19. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    This is a sick Sanctuary remake, but there are a few things you could fix. Me and my friends absolutely HATE the kill ball. We couldn't stand it. It's unnecessary, and I can't figure out why people insist on using them. Also, the lighting effects don't help the map. I'm not against the effects, but it just doesn't suit the map.

    As far as the forging goes, it's very accurate to the original, but the center area could be cleaned up a little. Interlock where there are big gaps. There are gaps where you can 'nade bottom mid from the outside of the circle. That is an example of where you should interlock.

    Conclusion: This is an excellent remake, but the kill ball and lighting effects ruin it. Fix what I've suggested, and you'll have a five star map.
    #19 Love Slice, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  20. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Sorry dude i love the kill ball addition. But i will agree that this' the best sanctuary remake i've seen thus far and it looks better on the midlevel part of sandbox (all the other remakes of sanctuary have been in the crypt.) 5/5 keep doin what your doin

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