Adobe Town Description: Adobe Town is an aesthetic map that has many buildings and vehicles. I forged it on the middle part of sandbox because I didn't have to build a floor which would have been necessary in the skybox. It is made for Team slayer and infection. Their are two tanks on the map but their is also a rocket launcher and missile pod to easily take them down. There is also lots of cover in the many buildings to hide in and ambush enemies. This map has some interlocking on the buildings.This is my first post on forgehub but I have visited this site a few times already. overview 1 overview 2 the office building hallway in office building Inside one of the 2 story houses and missile pod spawn shotgun spawn (in corner) dual pistol spawn tank debris Download map here: : Halo 3 File Details
Good looking map for your first but you need to more specific about what is for a certian type of gametype or just bungie defaluts also I would get ride of the tanks replace with a gaus warthog and put windows in the buildings and make this an infection map because I feel this could be really fun with revisons I would love to see a version 2
good first map but it looks a little bland. maybe something out of the ordinary. the map has a wide variety of buildings which is always a good thing. maybe make a v2. im looking forward to it and if you need any help with forging ask me even though my geomerging is a little.... not so amazing.
Hmmm.....aesthetically not great. The structures are okay, you could have put a little more variety onto the roof, but you definetly could have taken some time and effort to merge. Merging makes everything looks cleaner and nicer, especially on aesthetic pieces. This would be more of a competitive map however because you can play slayer or CTF. I don't think you needed 2 tanks, a rocket, and a missle pod, however, gauss warthogs or better yet normal warthogs would have sufficed. The small narrow paths between buildings look like they'll be great for a game of slayer. You should have probably put cover there to improve gameplay and so it's not so open. 3/5, definetly room for improvement. V2 tip: Merge. Seriously, it'll look a ton better. Off topic: Goddamit bungie why did you have to put rockets on every single friggin mythic map ...
The map works with the defaults of infection and team slayer and maybe slayer. Ill start on a v2 without the tanks. thanks 4 the comments
idk man, it looks kinda plain and boring. although it sorta does feel dry, you got the feel down, its just missing some things, make more buildings, thats probably it... and make there be 1 tank. there's too much power for the map...
Ok overall but i really dont think this is aeshetic though maybe casual or something else and when you said this was for inffection i was like tanks vs zombies = massive ownage maybe set up for territories
looks great, I do not think it is aesthetic, it looks competetive to me I give 4.8/5 because this is pure awesomeness P.S. I think it looks better on ground
I would suggest making this for infection Pls tell us the weapons since all im getting is like 8 tops. add some brs, ars, plasma rifles/pistols (good for vehicles). Take out the tanks and replace with one warthog in the back, but if its infection you dont need the heavy weapons really, at least not the missile pod. Add some dual wealdable weapons like the smg. But dont forgot some grenades. Frags are best. and make a supply building with crates in it where the humans spawn with mualers there and one br and ar so humans have to choose to leave for a better spot or stay. Also put on gloomy effect to make it better, and add a lot of windows. two doors per room to get in/out and some holes in the roofs. Also get a tower block maap and make zombies spawn in the fields to stop spawn killing and arrows above peoples head so they cant just go hide in the black plains. Also put some killballs in the sky bubble with vehicles spawning above them so the decayed parts come crashing down wich would look cool and add some scenery. a good, big map should reach the budget
Nice neat little buildings, although you could use some more decoration, and should maybe consider weapon layout judging by the 2 SMGs plonked on the floor in the fourth pic, try weapon holders etc. I think two tanks might overpower things a little so maybe consider putting in a splazer or a rocket lawnchair for each team instead of one missile launcher =)
hahaha. im from NM where we have a lot of these and this pretty cool. two things you could have improved though are the smoothness and maybe some vigas. the little logs that stick out on the side