A map for Team Swat Download Map! Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Download Gametype! Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details (OSD gametype is a one shot deathmach) Goodbye!
Nice map, but i have one question. What the hell is that in the third picture. Next time give a better description and a weapon list. And try to explain what why there are random walls in the corner of the map. 2/5
I agree, if it is because you were using a budget glitched map, you could still delete them, also if for some reason you couldnt you could have tried moving them to an different area, like an area that is blocked off.
I don't think that is what he's doing. There isn't that much stuff to be worth 700$, and not that many items in there so I doubt it was that
Its not that great. you have no interlocking, a bridge leading to nowhere on the first pic and the worlds most random pile of walls or "counter space" on the last pic. I'd improve those if i were going to do a V2.
Really? This I'd the second case if spam I've seen in the past 5 minutes. Please read the rules. Now on to the map. I can tell you put your effort into this, but some things definantly need to be improved. If you don't know how to interlock or merge, head over to forging 101 in forge discussion. Keep up the work, hope to see a v2.