Ah yes, welcome to Forge hub, I hope you enjoy your time here, if you have any questions just message me for anything.
welcome to a group of hardcore forgers who will pathetically laugh at your non interlocked maps.... haha JK. Welcome to Forge Hub, the "Hubbiest" of all Forge groups. Hmm, Hubbiest sounds wrong to me... let's replace the bs... "Huggiest!":lol::haha:
God frag don't scare off the new members. Welcome to the site man. Check out the community maps, but remember not to bump them, meaning do not post on them if they havn't been posted on in a while. If you have any questions about halo3, forging, or anything concerning the site, feel free to private message me. I will try to help you out, and if I can't I will direct you to the staff of forgehub which I guaruntee can help you a whole lot more than I can. Welcome to Forgehub, enjoy your stay