10,000,000,000 Campaign Kills

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Psycho, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    We did it. 10,000,000,000 Campaign Kills:


    Five hundred and sixty five days. Ten Billion Covenant scum.

    It's been said that the UNSC lost nearly every ground war against the unholy conglomeration of alien species better known as the Covenant. Not this time. Not on our turf. This weekend, the ticker tracking the total number of Covenant kills you've racked up to date hit the ten billion mark. That's a one with ten zeros in tow.

    For those in the same camp we count ourselves in, folks baffled by talk of billions, let's take a look at the tally from a more down-to-Earth perspective. Crude math places the estimate of daily Halo 3 Covenant kills, launch-to-date, at over 17,500,000. That's 730,000 killed per hour or 12,000 Covenant troops killed per minute.

    • If you had ten billion pennies saved up, you could cash them in for about a hundred million bucks. You'd also need a piggy bank about the size of a football field to hold them and the bank teller would shoot you the mother of all nasty looks when you started bringing in your jingling sacks of copper to exchange them for paper bills.
    • The Earth's current population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, has reached 6.7 Billion. If current trending models remain accurate, it's projected that our population will reach ten billion sometime in the next fifty years.
    • Were we able to lay the corpses of the fallen Covenant in some kind of gruesome, macabre ring around the circumference of the Earth, we'd have to make the trip some 456 times. Roughly speaking, that would be 11,363,636 miles of end-to-end Covenant. And that's using a low estimate of six feet for each Covenant foot soldier.
    • According to Robt McLees, If we were to skin the Covenant aliens felled upon Earth's battlefield, there would be enough leather to upholster the entire state of New Jersey. Which would be easily be the most disgusting thing ever done in the history of disgusting things.

    We've hit the Covenant where it hurts. Made them pay a price for setting foot on our soil. But the war isn't over yet. The Covenant war machine marches on.

    We're glad we've got you by our side, soldier. You're worth the weight of a hundred Covenant scum. Actually, the per player average puts the count right at 650 kills per player. Mighty fine work.

    Here's to ten billion more.

  2. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    lolwut? Was it really neccesary to get all of those facts ಠ_ಠ?
  3. The_Omnigamer

    The_Omnigamer Ancient
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    Saw that the day it was released. Talk about crazy.
    I wonder if they'd happen to have a ticker of how many of each covenant has been killed...?
  4. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Probably not, but it makes it more of an exciting story to read. :)

    Were we able to lay the corpses of the fallen Covenant in some kind of gruesome, macabre ring around the circumference of the Earth, we'd have to make the trip some 456 times. Roughly speaking, that would be 11,363,636 miles of end-to-end Covenant. And that's using a low estimate of six feet for each Covenant foot soldier.

    Is just cool.
  5. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    lol I guess this is cool but why is it so important that we kicked 10,000,000,000 of covenant ass?
  6. GR Nightmares

    GR Nightmares Ancient
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    I doubt this is just halo 3. Or is it
  7. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    yes it is
  8. I Shadowsth I

    I Shadowsth I Ancient
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    I wonder how many of those are grunts. After all they say those little bastards breed like rabbits. :lol:
  9. x CosmicShot x

    x CosmicShot x Ancient
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    Wow sure is a lot. I also wonder there are probably like 5billion grunts killed.
  10. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Sadly it must be made up of almost all grunts. Sadly.
  11. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Actually...according to the books the UNSC were actually successful in ground wars. Space battles were usually one sided.

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