MLG Oracle (WIP) :: Need Pro-Forger Help!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Dementia, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. Dementia

    Dementia Ancient
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    MLG Oracle

    I'll start off by saying that I am no forger. I play a lot of MLG, and a fair few other competitive shooters, and as a fan of the original Halo, I really wanted to set off to create a Derelict / Wizard predecessor.

    So, I started work on Oracle. With a similar arena feel to the fore mentioned originals, as well as an Assembly feel, I believe this map could really become popular.. but as I said, I'm no forger. So please, if you have forging experience and are willing to join me in this project and help me out building, and particularly geo-merging everything together so it runs nice and smooth, please please please get in touch.

    So far, I've got half the map done, which is the Red side. And as it's going to be completely symmetrical, there's no more in the design stage that really needs to be done. Take a look at what I've got so far.


    This is the middle section, which holds the custom powerup, and will be an essential point to control when making a push over to the opposing teams base. Whilst there is little cover in the middle, a circular room is located bottom mid.


    This is the red snipe tower, and whilst it overlooks the entire blue base, the small room in which the sniper is located allows for easy nades to clear out anyone camping up there. The teleporter at the bottom links directly above it, allowing for easy access to the second level.


    This is the red flag spawn. If approached on the bottom level, you can access it by the ramp at the back, allowing 4 possible entrances, which promises fast clutch plays from either defenders or attackers. Teams will spawn at these areas at the start, right in front of the opposition, in the same way as Amp and Ons works.


    This, finally, is an overview of the half of the map which is complete.. design-wise anyway.

    I need a professional touch in geo-merging and other forge techniques which I am completely oblivious too.
    I really hope on getting a few test games on it later tonight, so if anyone is free for a good few hours now to help out, then please do. Credit of course will be given.

    All feedback and ideas are vastly appreciated, whether positive or otherwise, and I apologise if this is in the wrong forum, you've probably noticed, I'm pretty new here.

    Thanks for your time,
    #1 Dementia, Apr 16, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  2. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    I think this should be in forge discussion. can someone move it?
    As for the map, it looks good so far. The only thing i dont like is the sniper tower. It seems like more of a deathtrap and i dont know why on earth anyone would even wanna go up there
  3. Dementia

    Dementia Ancient
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    Thanks, yeah I thought this might be in the wrong forum the second after I posted it.

    And yeah, I can see where you are coming from..
    The views from the snipe tower are the greatest in terms of catching people on their spawns, particularly during flag runs, so it is one of the strongest places to be. You just need to make sure you are there at the right time, and I think that this promotes teamwork just that bit more.
    I might make a few adjustments however, a second exit would probably be a good idea.
  4. shortspeedy

    shortspeedy Ancient
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    I dont think you can geomerge on Sandbox because they don't have those doors which you use to geomerge with so I dont see how else you can do it.

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    Please read the Forging 101 on merging immovable objects with map geometry. Merging has been around much longer than the 'foundry door method' has been.

    But yes, the maps forums are for finished maps. WIPs go in forge discussion, which is where Im moving this now
  6. Dementia

    Dementia Ancient
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    Cheers Lights,

    Update: I've been working pretty hard on it, and it's looking a lot more finished than the previous pics. Still would like some help, so if you are online now, or later tonight, please let me know on here and I'll send you a FR and an invite.
  7. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    Get rid of the kill ball for God's sake.
  8. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    Do MLG have kill balls in maps?
  9. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    Whats wrong with the killball? You can't even reach it. Obviously it's for aesthetics.
  10. brad2222

    brad2222 Ancient
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    Killballs make the most annoying sound

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